Reader’s Write: Glad impeachment hearings over

Reader’s Write: Glad impeachment hearings over
Remember the 1960’s cartoon, “The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends.” Boris Badenov, Natasha Fatale, and Dictator Fearless Leader were spotted in Iowa. It must have been there meddling in the Iowa Democratic Party’s primary caucus that caused all the chaos and confusion.
Someone should have hired a moose and flying squirrel for ballot security, and Mister Peabody to count the ballots. If these clowns can’t manage a simple election, how can we trust them to run Washington?
The impeachment hearings also reminded me of the 1960s science fiction television show, “The Outer Limits.” Both of them end the same. “As we now return control of your television set to you.” Thank goodness!
Larry Penner
Great Neck

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