Jothy Narendran, Co-Managing Partner, Jaspan Schlesinger Narendran LLP

Jothy Narendran, Co-Managing Partner, Jaspan Schlesinger Narendran LLP

Jothy Narendran is co-managing Partner at Jaspan Schlesinger Narendran LLP and chair of the firm’s banking and financial services practice group. She represents institutional and private lenders in a variety of commercial real estate financing transactions.

Jothy Narendran. Courtesy of Jaspan Schlesinger Narendran LLP

These include acquisition and construction loans, equipment financing, leasehold financing, multi-lender participation/syndicated financing, real estate investment trust and interest rate swap transactions, revolving credit facilities, letters of credit, industrial development agency transactions, Section 1031 exchanges and reverse exchange loans, mezzanine and structured financing and defeasances.

Jothy has worked on a variety of properties, ranging from multifamily properties to assemblages of entire city blocks for the development of multi-use projects, including residential, retail, and office components.

She has also negotiated regulatory agreements, leases, and subordination agreements with various municipal agencies. Jothy also acts as counsel to lenders in connection with negotiating intercreditor agreements, triparty agreements, and note sales and purchases.

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