“Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Last week I sent the wrong column to the Williston Times which resulted in he same column two weeks in a row. I apologize for the mistake and have now submitted the report which should have appeared in the paper last week.
I reported last week about our new single stream program. Many residents were aware of the new system and helped put this long awaited plan into action.
However not all were aware and I feel it necessary to repeat what I wrote last week.
“Each and every week, residents will be able to put out all recycles weekly, on Wednesday. It is the end result of a plan put together, over six years ago, to reorganize our sanitation program. In the initial stages a change in schedule gave the Village the ability to move three employees into the regular work force, allowing for a more efficient work force. Heavy item pickup became more convenient as these items could be put out for pick up twice a week as opposed to once a week. It took time to complete the plan, but the new setup should benefit the Village, as a whole.”
So please pass the word along to family, friends, and neighbors, that each Wednesday, bottles, glass, paper, and metals should be put out for pick up.
There is no need to separate, as all of these materials will end up in one truck and be separated at the recycling center.
We have had three snow events to date, yet not enough to declare a “Snow Emergency.”
Staff has salted the roads on two of these occasions. While it is not required, moving vehicles off the roads allows for a more efficient job and in effect creates a safer road situation.
If snow is in the forecast, remove cars from village streets so that if an emergency is declared, plowing will more complete and tickets avoided.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all village staff, Community groups, Volunteers and all our residents for their contributions to our great village over the past year.
These groups make “Williston Park a nice place to visit but a better place to live”.
On behalf of the Village Board, their families and my family, I wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. “