As I watched the news and read the papers I can’t fathom the pain and anguish being felt by the families impacted by the tragedy that took place this past week.
Having both children and grandchildren I cannot imagine how these families are feeling and how they will face tomorrow.
Reading the limited bios and looking at the pictures of those killed and injured has been heart-wrenching. I ask all to keep the families in your prayers.
After our last snowstorm, I complemented village residents for their efforts to remove vehicles from the village streets.
Compliance was close to 99 percent. This made for more effective plowing, allowing the roads to be safer and more acceptable for emergency vehicles.
This past weekend, compliance was not nearly as good. While a snow emergency was not called, I ask all to please take their cars off the roads when snow is in the forecast.
There were various predictions indicating snowfall ranging anywhere from three to nine inches. We were extremely lucky, as total accumulation did not necessitate the declaration of a snow emergency.
However, two salt trucks were out to help mitigate slippery road surfaces. Hopefully, we have seen our last storm of the season, but again, I ask all residents to remove cars from village roads whenever snow is predicted.
I understand this is an inconvenience to all, but once plowing is required, streets can be more effectively cleaned without plow trucks having to maneuver around vehicles.
While on the subject of cold, wintery weather, I ask all to check with neighbors, especially seniors and those living alone. One reason this Village is so great because residents help each other. Many won’t ask for help to take the initiative to reach out.
While still stuck in winter, the Recreation Committee has already been making plans for the upcoming spring and summer. Plans are being put in place for the Easter Egg Hunt at Kelleher Field, as are plans for their Annual Family Day at Belmont.
Think warm thoughts, maybe the cold weather will move out more quickly. (As I type, weather reports are for a possible 70-degree day on Wednesday! – think pool season)
Neighbor Watch volunteers are doing a great job.
However, there are streets without Block Captains. Streets needing captains are as follows: Amherst, Brown, Nassau Blvd, Pennsylvania, Princeton, Syracuse, Yale (from Willis to Stratford) Fordham, Lehigh, Harvard (these three from Broad to Stratford).
The job is not difficult or time-consuming but adds a level of safety to the village. Anyone interested or would like more information regarding the committee can contact Doreen Ehrbar 516-747-8219.