The St. Aidan’s Catholic Youth Organization seventh and eighth-grade girls soccer team took first place in their division for the 2017 season.
The girls were honored by the Williston Park Board of Trustees during Monday’s board meeting.
The team didn’t just take first, they were also undefeated, according to Mayor Paul Ehrbar.
But, Ehrbar said, more importantly he hopes the girls learned an important lesson — the value of teamwork.
“Working as a team will help you in the future and all your other endeavors in life,” Ehrbar said. “This is a stepping stone to move forward and work with others and be successful.”
Not only did the girls work together as a team, but also with their three coaches. Ehrbar said without the hard work of the coaches, the undefeated championship win wouldn’t have happened.
The team is coached by Umberto Mignardi, along with assistant coaches Jimmy Muniz and Mike Uttaro.
Uttaro, who also sits on the village board of trustees, presented Ehrbar with a soccer ball signed by the team.
The ball will remain on display in Village Hall to remember the team’s undefeated, championship season, Uttaro said.
At the meeting David Tellier, a partner with Nawrocki Smith, also presented the annual audit report.
According to Tellier, “the village demonstrates a very strong financial picture.”
Tellier said the village bonded indebtedness is “probably well under what we would normally expect to see on a village, especially of this size.”
At the meeting Ehrbar also reminded the public about single stream recycling.
The village started single stream recycling last Wednesday. The board reminded the public that cardboard can and should be recycled, as well.