In response to my letter, Dr. Wayne Roth, again, makes several points which I challenge.
I stand by my charge that Trump’s knowledge of this country’s history and Constitution is quite limited.
I concede that most Americans were not aware that using the phrase “America First” was unwise since the “America First Committee” was a pro German group formed prior to World War II.
If we give Trump a pass on this, where were his advisors?
Obviously not doing their job.
Further proof of Trump’s limited knowledge was revealed when he met with Republican House members and expressed admiration for Article 12 of the Constitution.
Sorry, Mr. Trump. Our Constitution has only seven Articles.
One of his defenders was quick to point out that Trump was confusing Articles with amendments.
One may think of this as trivial, but what about Trump’s pronouncements on freedom of speech and Muslim exclusion?
These clearly violate the 1st and 14th amendments. But Mr. Trump has been a businessman all his life — not a lawyer or politician.
Therein lies the problem.
It’s not because of love for attorneys that most presidents and Congresspersons have been lawyers, but because the work they do entails a knowledge of the law.
To quickly answer a few of Dr. Roth’s other questions, I do admire George Soros and I am not a proponent of Sharia law.
As to which is worse…Sharia Law or Jim Crow, I find them both reprehensible.
Dr. Roth then offers a gratuitous lesson on Aristotle and ad hominem arguments.
Let me inform him that as a college professor for 45 years, I know about both.
This critique had to do with my questioning of Ann Coulter as a reputable source.
Other than members of her immediate family and Dr. Roth, I can’t imagine anyone taking her seriously.
She has several best-sellers to her credit and she appears regularly on TV talk
shows, but it is the outrageous nature of her remarks which keep her in demand.
Many of Dr. Roth’s questions on foreign policy are commendable and indicate that he has done his homework.
When we get to his attacks on Hillary Clinton, not so much.
He complains about the fact that Hillary hasn’t held a news conference in over 250 days so let me suggest the following.
Hillary should promise to meet with the press on the same day that Trump releases his tax returns.
Liberal commentators are sure that they contain combustible information.
Why else is he hiding behind a fabricated tax audit excuse?
Dr. Roth also asks why Clinton hasn’t appeared on Sean Hannity’s FOX news network show?
The answer is simple. It’s because he is a bully who isn’t on the air to enlighten, but to present his own very partisan opinions.
I listen to Hannity both on radio and TV and would advise Hillary not to appear with him.
Next, Dr. Roth mentions that Hillary has “neurological problems, and “episodes of delirium and confusion.”
At first, I attributed these allegations to the “vast right wing conspiracy,” which, yes, does exist and has been out to get Hillary for decades.
But then I googled Hillary’s medical records as well as Trump’s.
What I learned was that there are charges of “fraud” and “leaks” regarding Hillary.
Dr. Lisa Bardack states that Hillary is “in excellent health” She continues: “I have recently been made aware of allegedly ‘leaked’ medical documents …with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me, and are not based on any medical facts.”
Trump’s letter from his long-time physician looks like something Trump himself wrote. This is a topic requiring additional research which can be debated over the next few months.
I now come to the critical question for Dr. Roth. What do all of the following have in common?
Senators: Susan Clark of Maine, Mark Kirk of Illinois, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Ted Cruz of Texas, Jeff Flake of Arizona, Dean Heller of Nevada.
Governors: John Kasich of Ohio, Larry Hogan of Maryland, Charlie Baker of Massachusetts; Party Elders: Jeb Bush, former Florida governor, Mitt Romney 2012 Republican nominee for president, George H.W. Bush former president of the U.S., Larry Pressler three-term governor of South Dakota, Vin Weber six-term Congressman from Minnesota, Gordon Humphrey former senator from New Hampshire, Chris Shays former Congressman from Connecticut; Party Insiders: Meg Whitman CEO of Hewlett Packard, Hank Paulson former Secretary of the Treasury, Marx Racinot former Chaiman of the Republican National Committee, Christine Todd Whitman former governor of New Jersey,
George Will conservative commentator, Charles and David Koch Republican donors, Charles Krauthammer conservative broadcaster, Brent Scocroft, national security advisor to Presidents Bush and Ford; Security Experts: Michael Chertoff Director of Homeland Security under George W. Bush.
Guessing that they’re all Republicans gets you no points.
Guessing that these are folks who won’t endorse Donald Trump is the correct answer.
Now a follow-up. When was the last time so many party luminaries could not bring themselves to pull down the lever next to the candidate’s name?
And why are these malcontents abandoning the choice of their party? Gordon Humphrey stated: ”Trump is a sociopath who has no “feelings of guilt, shame or remorse.”
And Sally Bradshaw, a Jeb Bush advisor pointed out that her party had nominated “a total narcissist, a misogynist —a bigot.”
Are all of these Republican Party leaders traitors to the cause, or is there something so dangerous and reprehensible about Donald Trump as to make him persona non grata among the party faithful?
Dr. Hal Sobel
Great Neck