Despite having the advantages of unlimited money and a media monopoly that did their bidding, the anti-Christian, anti-U.S. globalists, led by George Soros, a Rothschild banker, were unable to push the candidacy of their corrupt, incompetent, war-mongering puppet, Hillary Clinton, across the finish line.
Soros had previously put Obama, another anti-Christian, anti-American globalist into the Oval Office, and had planned on following the Obama travesty up with Clinton, who was also directly supported by the Despite having the advantages of unlimited money and a media monopoly that did their bidding, the anti-Christian, anti-U.S. globalists, led by George Soros, a Rothschild banker, were unable to push the candidacy of their corrupt, incompetent, war-mongering puppet, Hillary Clinton, across the finish line.
Soros had previously put Obama, another anti-Christian, anti-American globalist into the Oval Office, and had planned on following the Obama travesty up with Clinton, who was also directly supported by the Rothschilds.
They believed a Clinton Presidency was a done deal and would be the coup de grace for the U.S. Instead, against all odds, Donald Trump won.
This unexpected turn of events has left the bankers furious.
In response, they are lashing out, attacking Trump. This through the corporate media, which they own, and through various front organizations, such as Black Lives Matter and Move-On.Org, which they control.
Though they lost the election battle, the bankers’ war against the U.S. continues.
They will attack the Trump presidency in the same manner they attacked his candidacy.
They will agitate against him endlessly. They will allow the country no peace during his presidency. They will contest everything he does.
This, they hope, will defeat his efforts to establish a prosperous America at peace with the world, an outcome they oppose.
Rather, they want a weak, poor, divided U.S. they can more easily fold into their world government, a goal they were well on their way to achieving before Trump.
They hate Trump because he is a Christian and a nationalist. They hate Putin for the same reason.
That’s why the media attacks often link Putin and Trump. It’s also why the content of the attacks against both are similar.
The bankers see both as posing the same threat to their globalist ambitions. Trump and Putin’s Christianity and nationalism are incompatible with the bankers’ plan for an international, atheistic, totalitarian world order.
Trump and Putin seek peace and prosperity while the bankers want war and debt.
In short, the two sides have opposite visions.
Concerning Soros, he should be recognized for what he is, i.e., an agent of the international bankers.
He is not truly an American. He does not have American interests at heart. He is a foreigner who promotes alien interests.
He should not be permitted carte blanche to do so.
Soros should be charged, arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned for his actions, including his funding of Black Lives Matter and Move-On.Org, which has led to multiple cop killings, as well as attacks on innocent civilians.
He should be held responsible. He’s an anti-American agitator.
We shouldn’t tolerate his actions, or those for who he advocates, any longer.
What he is involved with is not legitimate political opinion; instead it is violent agitation against the U.S. He should be recognized for what he is, an agent of international bankers whose interests are inimical to ours. Concerning the media, it’s a monopoly.
This largely due to the 1996 Telecommunications Act signed into law by President Bill Clinton, another globalist puppet.
The TA permitted the cross-ownership of multiple media platforms in the same market by the same owner, a practice that had previously been illegal.
Because of the 1996 TA, just six corporations now own 90 percent of the 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 TV stations and 2,400 publishers in the U.S.
Those six corporations control 90 percent of everything the American public sees, hears and reads outside the internet.
With that 90 percent control, the six have enormous power to influence the mindset of the American people, for good or ill.
This media monopoly serves the interests of the globalists who own it.
It is the prime purveyor of fake news and globalist propaganda.
This contrary to the claims of spokesmen for the corporate media who claim the internet is the source of fake news.
In fact, more people have turned to the internet for their information because the “news” we’ve been receiving from the monopoly media outlets is so obviously false.
You don’t have to go any further than the fake polls we were fed during the 2106 presidential election season for confirmation of this.
The corporate media dispenses propaganda, not news.
It’s a monopoly that needs to be broken.
If it’s not, we will continue to be fed propaganda packaged as news.
Moreover, those who have the interests of our country at heart, like Donald Trump, will be attacked while those with interests adverse to ours, i.e., the globalists, will be lauded.
To partially counter this by introducing more, and more diverse voices into the national debate, the 1996 Telecommunications Act should be repealed.
The U.S. took a good first step in restoring its sovereignty with the election of Donald Trump. Good second and third steps would be the prosecution of Soros and the breakup of the media monopoly.
John O’Kelly
East Williston
Readers Write: Trump election a victory for Christians