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Readers Write: Port shines in Niche site rankings

I am commenting on Mr. Katz’s letter in your July 31 edition, wherein Port Washington supposedly “flunks Niche…test.” His letter only goes to prove, again, that there are “lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

I do not subscribe to Patch, so I don’t know the context of their statement. But Mr. Katz has either cherry-picked info or he didn’t bother to review the Niche website. If he did, he would see that its “100 best places to buy a house” in the New York City area was one of TEN categories.

For a wider picture of where Port ranks here are some other categories where Port is in the top 100 (note that except for the last item, they all relate to “NYC area,” which includes New Jersey and Connecticut).

Suburbs with Best Public Schools”- #43/out of 629; “Best Suburbs to Raise a Family”- #86/629; “Best Suburbs to Live”- #88/629; “Best Places to Retire in New York”- #25/580 (this  should please Mr. Katz). Some of the other communities listed by Mr. Katz finished lower than Port in the above categories.

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So perhaps, to paraphrase Mark Twain, his conclusion about Port’s demise has been greatly exaggerated.

Phil Krevitsky

Port Washington

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