Readers Write: North parking lot expansion offers needed improvements

Readers Write: North parking lot expansion offers needed improvements

I am responding to your notice of Feb. 15, 2018, converging the informational session concerning the new parking lot project at Great Neck North High School.

As emotionally-driven, non-analytical opposition has been generated by a few of my neighbors (lovely people all) and I do not wish to upset them, I offer the opinion of myself, my wife and daughter, the three occupants of 80 Beach Road – in full support of the project.

Our names are not to be part of the record, but you should know why we support the project and what you must include – which, by the way, should “sell” the project better amongst most adjacent residents like us:

1. I am a former senior official in the New York City Department Of Transportation during the Koch administration and former planning board member in Queens. I have familiarity with these matters.

2. The streets surrounding the school have very limited storage capacity and this measure will ease traffic for those whose egress from their homes is required during morning school arrival for students and faculty.

3. Improved drainage can and must ameliorate local flooding caused by topography in the area.

4. The border between the fences surrounding the property must be newly fenced, perhaps with privacy elements added, and proper landscaping made part of the project.

5. All ancient natural debris should once and for all be removed (and made into useful mulch as well) from the border area.

6. The area is very dark – special attention should be paid to lighting along with additional security staffing.

Jeffrey, Cynthia and Maxine Wiesenfeld

Great Neck

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