Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, announced last week that indictments of 10 people for corruption.
Now in my view these people betrayed the public trust which I find extremely appalling and disturbing.
These alleged criminal acts extend from bribery, to money laundering, extortion, special favors also known as pay for play pay also for a no show job and the list goes on.
Added to all this companies got rich as the public got stiffed.
Meanwhile those that are charged are close associates of Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Although the governor is not charged with any wrong doing, for now.
Let me also point out that Gov. Cuomo pledged when he took office to clean up Albany’s pay-for-play schemes.
My question is what happen ?
Well at least we have U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara who intends to clean up corruption in Albany.
He has already done so with convictions of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos.
Now for that I say,” Bravo Preet Bharara for caring about the people of New York.”
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.