Port sports field switching to turf

Port sports field switching to turf

Two athletic fields at the Paul D. Schreiber High School will have their surfaces changed from grass to synthetic turf.

The Port Washington School District is currently soliciting bids for the surface transformation at the south side field and the east upper field, Kathleen Mooney, the district’s superintendent, said.

The school board said at last week’s meeting that it was ready to approve the resolution awarding the contract to Land Tek Group Inc. for $2,570,000, but it decided to hold off and seek more bids.

 Mooney said the board is currently reviewing the final bids and a meeting is being scheduled to discuss them.

“Once all of the board’s questions are answered and all outstanding issues are addressed to their satisfaction, the matter will be put onto the agenda and voted on in public session,” Mooney said.

The accepted proposal for the field will be funded through the community-approved facilities bond, Mooney said, which voters passed in March 2005.

Mooney said the project will last approximately five months, and during the construction, sports teams will use alternate venues and physical education classes will use other spaces on campus.

The district is switching to turf, Mooney said, because it requires less maintenance, which allows the district and community more opportunities to use the field.

Mooney said the fields will include an infill option that is an encapsulated rubber that will keep the field cool in warmer months, because turf fields are known to attract excessive heat.

Five other renovations to athletic fields were attached to the board’s resolution to switch to turf, including three storage areas near the baseball and softball fields, a bullpen for the baseball field and a protective netting at the baseball field. 

By Stephen Romano

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