The leader of the Nassau County Legislature, Norma Gonsalves, violated state campaign finance disclosure rules eight times between 2013 and 2015, a state judge ruled last Friday.
Judge Christina Ryba of Albany County Supreme Court ordered Friends of Norma Gonsalves, the East Meadow Republican’s campaign committee, to pay $14,000 in fines for failing to file financial disclosure reports with the state Board of Elections, according to a Newsday report.
The Board of Elections brought legal action against Gonsalves in March after finding in December that she failed to file reports listing her campaign’s donors and expenses at least 34 times between January 2006 and February 2015. The board was seeking $28,000 in fines.
Ryba’s decision found there was “ample support” for the board’s claim in its lawsuit that Gonsalves’ committee failed to file 10 reports between 2013 and 2015, Newsday reported. The court decision was not immediately accessible online.
Gonsalves, who was last re-elected to the county Legislature in 2015, has blamed the missing filings on confusion with the Board of Elections’ electronic filing system and campaign treasurer Joseph Parisi’s failure to file them, Newsday has reported. Her committee has since filed several of the missing reports, according to multiple media reports.
John Ciampoli, an attorney for Friends of Norma Gonsalves, said the committee may appeal Ryba’s ruling because the Board of Elections never gave any notice of the violations. He also said the statute of limitations on filing violations should be four months, not three years, as the elections board claims.
“It’s clear that there were late filings that we brought the committee into compliance as soon as we found out about it, and the court, I think, recognized that by knocking down the penalty for the late filings,” Ciampoli said.
The decision only applied to Gonsalves’ committee and did not find fault with Gonsalves or Parisi individually, Ciampoli said.
Frank Moroney, Gonsalves’ spokesman, said that the committee will decide how to proceed as soon as Ryba’s decision is analyzed by the committee’s attorneys.
Norma Gonsalves should be in Jail for her willful ignorance in matters pertaining to NCCC and NUMC. Norm Gonsalves is complicit in the cover-up of abuses at NCCC. She’s as corrupt as Ed- sticky-fingers -Mangano and his crony appointed cohorts at NCCC and NUMC. Norma Gonsalves breached her duties by failing to hold NCCC and NUMC accountable for the deaths of several inmates that were abused by jail guards: some resulting in sever injuries and death. Nassau County (former) Executive Thomas Gulotta was ordered by federal authorities to implement and install Cameras at the jail and NUMC’s medical wing following the (1999) beating (stomping) death of Thomas Pizzuto by abusive jail guards. Pizzuto was attacked and beaten for five minutes because he would not stop begging for his medications at NCCC. His death resulted in five killer jail guards being convicted on manslaughter charges and new reform policies at NCCC/NUMC. This reform policy included the implementation of Video Surveillance Cameras being installed at the jail and in NUMC’s prison ward for treating inmates. Cameras ordered by the federal government and Nassau County’s DA’s Office. Since Pizzuto’s death in 1999. Nassau County inmates have been subjected excessive force abuses that, in many cases, were caught on Video Surveillance Cameras that were approved by the legislature; Norma Gonsalves was a long time legislator that headed the Jail Advisory Board for NCCC. Despite her knowledge of the availability of the Video Surveillance Cameras to investigate claims of excessive force abuse by correctional guards, against prisoners at the jail. Norma Gonsalves contemptuous actions aided, abetted and facilitated in the cover-up of abuse by failing to hold NCCC accountable for the production and review of the Video Surveillance Files that was implanted to save lives. Inmates at NCCC have suffered un-imaginable abuses by abusive jail guards for years; while Norma Gonsalves showed willful disregard for the safety and security of correctional-staff and inmates. Her failure to show due diligence over the years have created a dangerous environment for prisoners at NCCC; most still awaiting trial. Darryl Woody, like Thomas Pizzuto, was begging for his (prescribed) medications when, he too, was attacked, beaten, brutalized by seven jail guards after Darryl was said to have attempted, what was described as, suicide attempt. He was repeatedly tortured by pepper gas ( and treated Successively by a Nurse) for seventeen hour before being transported to NUMC the next day for treatment and mental heath assessment by doctors. Day’s later, while “still” on 1to1 [Constant] Suicide-watch, Darryl Woody was said to have been “Found” hanging by a bed-sheet at NUMC. His [highly suspicious] death was ruled a suicide by the medical examiner; death by asphyxiation. [All} caught Video Surveillance Cameras at NUMC and at NCCC. NUMC, NCCC, the Jail Advisory Board and Nassau County’s (federally indicted) Executive ‘Boss Ed- sticky-fingers -Mangano have all conspired to Violate Darryl Woody’s Human and Civil Rights to a fair trail in Nassau County’s (corrupt) Supreme Courts in Mineola; where the lawsuit was politically engineered to be litigated instead of the federal courts where Darryl would get justice. Nassau County is hiding the truth! Darryl’s death was caught on Video Surveillance Cameras at NUMC and at NCCC. The Medical Center blames NCCC. The jail blames NUMC. Both conspire to hide the government protected (electronic) files that depicts Darryl Woody’s true cause of death by asphyxiation, while “still” on [Constant] Suicide-Watch (under doctors care) at NUMC. All captured on Video Cameras that Norma Gonsalves, in her official capacity on the Advisory Board and legislative member, failed to show due diligence in obtaining or reviewing. Tax payer purchased Surveillance Cameras implemented to save lives! This is a breach of Office and criminal collusion that’s one can reasonably assess as an attempt to obstruct justice in a death investigation. Failure to report is a crime. Malicious tampering with government protected files is a felony in New York State that carries up to seven years if convicted. Norma Gonsalves breached her duties as an elected public official in-charge of over-seeing the jail. Darryl Woody’s death is being covered-up and litigated in the (corrupt) Supreme Courts due to her contemptuous failures and omissions. She’s a former spokes person for NCCC and an honorary award recipient at NUMC. She’s also next door neighbors to Sheriff Michael J. Spasato and the Sheriff’s wife Elizabeth Loconsolo, Counsel for the Sheriff’s Department; A Conflict Of Interest that Norm Gonsalves knew for years. The Sheriff’s Department has been covering up abuse at NCCC since, before Thomas Pizzuto’s death put Cameras in the Jail. Since then Nassau Count has had multiple deaths occurring at the hands of killer correctional guards at the jail. In each instance there were Video Surveillance Camera footage available that would have shed light on the truth. Cameras intended to aid in investigations; to protect the integrity of an investigation, that Norma Gonsalves in her position on the legislature could have intervened. She failed to do so in efforts to protect the jail and the Medical Center from federal take-over as in the Pizzuto investigation where 40 federal agents descended on NCCC for several months following the attempted cover-up up Pizzuto death. Thomas Pizzuto who was killed for begging for his medications (that were being denied to him) got Video Cameras installed at NCCC by Thomas Gulotta. Darryl Woody, on the other hand was begging for his (prescribed) medications at the jail was denied the aid of the Video Surveillance Camera footage to prove his “True Cause of his Death by Asphyxiation. What’s NUMC, NCCC, Nassau County Executive (government) Administration Have To Hide? “We Can Handle The Truth!” Release The Video(s)!” This is a homicide that’s being covered-up as a suicide! There’s Proof! Darryl Woody’s death was caught on Video Cameras at NUMC/NCCC. Suicide Or Homicide! “You Decide!” Release The Video(s) !” “NOW!” Trial Date: September 11, 2017, at the (corrupt) Supreme Courts in Mineola, where the Vide(s0 are being injudiciously denied to our [compromised] sell-out attorneys. Three separate lawyers have been compromised by Nassau County’s pay-to-play political institutions with ties to the corporations that we are suing for wrongful death. This is a Federal Civil Rights Case that should be litigated in Federal Court. Nassau County has corrupted the judicial process and our attorneys. We have NO lawyer for this matter thanks to Pizzuto old lawyer Dennis Kelly Esq. Who took the case from Eliot Bloom and then mysteriously dropped us after setting a September 11, trail Date! Un-ethical(!) No it’s down right corrupt!v This is a “Major Scandal being perpetrated against an innocent mentally-ill pre-trial detainee, who was begging for his medications and medical treatment for injuries sustained at Williston Park Police Department where Darryl Woody was beaten by detectives during interrogation for a complaint-less crime, false arrest, on Christmas Eve 2010. The police described that incident as an apparent suicide attempt_also! That makes two attempts and the final (supposed) suicide that claimed his life. Tree incidents [all] captured on Video(S)! Not any of these Video Surveillance Cameras files have been produced for trill,despite the litigation-hold to preserve the government protected (electronic) files that proves that Darryl Woody was abused repeatedly and then silenced by killer jail guards at NCCC. No justice for Darryl Woody in Nassau County (corrupt) Supreme Courts in Mineola. Where are the Federal Authorities that ordered the Cameras to be installed? There was a federal probe following four suicides at NCCC in one year! The Feds know! I reported this matter to Michael Goidberger at the Eastern District Civil Rights Branch in Brooklyn N.Y. We took him the falsified files also. The Feds are in bed with NCCC and NUMC! No Justice for Darryl by the feds neither. This is a’Major Scandal! Norma Gonsalves is complicit for facilitating this cover-up. She’s a fraud, fake , and a phony. She’s corrupt and criminally complicit. Too bad she’s too old for Federal Prison where she and her fellow committee members should be! From Thomas Pizzuto to Bartholomew Ryan… “What About Darryl Woody!” Suicide Or Homicide? You Decide! “Release the Video(s)!” Index: 017721/2011. FOIL Request to no Avail!