Floral Park’s first transit-oriented apartment complex got its final blessing from the village last Wednesday night, continuing the village’s housing growth.
Pending some final tweaks, the village Architectural Review Board approved plans for the 21-apartment, two-building project on South Tyson Avenue after the developer, Questus South Tyson LLC, agreed to shift one of the buildings and reconfigure its parking garage.
“What we like to do here is get a win-win solution, and we had a very creative solution,” board Chairman Frank Gunther said.
The project will renovate and build five apartments 86 S. Tyson Ave., the former home of Koenig’s Restaurant, and build a new four-story building at 77 S. Tyson Ave. containing 16 apartments.
Talks with village officials led Questus to abandon plans to add two stories and 10 apartments to the Koenig’s building.
Architect Martin Passante and developer Paul Posillico agreed to shift the top three floors of the new building by two feet to give it extra separation from the neighboring building, a change Passante said would add $30,000 to $40,000 to the cost of the $6 million project.
Plans presented Wednesday showed one apartment would face the wall of the building next door.
Gunther said that would make the unit “substandard” and hard to rent, despite Posillico’s assurances that Questus would have no problem getting a tenant.
“We’re talking about one apartment of 21, correct? And you’re telling me that because there’s a window facing a wall, that we’re not going to rent it?” Posillico said.
Revised plans also showed cars will enter and exit the parking lot underneath the building from the adjacent Mayflower Avenue.
Village and Floral Park-Bellerose school district officials worried extra traffic onto South Tyson Avenue would endanger children walking to school.
Another parking lot is planned for 85 S. Tyson Ave., giving the complex a total of 77 parking spaces.
Questus has gutted the second floor of 86 S. Tyson Ave. and will apply for building permits once the Architectural Review Board approves final cosmetic tweaks to the building’s facade and windows, Posillico said.
Construction will begin “as quick as we can get it going,” he said.
The complex will have three one-bedroom and 23 two-bedroom apartments, with rents ranging from $2,500 to $2,800, Posillico said.
The 4,280-square-foot space Koenig’s used to occupy on the ground floor of 86 S. Tyson Ave. will remain open for a restaurant or retail tenant.
The project brings “transit-oriented development,” apartments near train stations marketed to affluent young professionals commuting to New York City, to a village that has seen a recent influx of young families, Mayor Thomas Tweedy said.
It also redevelops what Tweedy called one of Floral Park’s “touchstone properties” that has been vacant since Koenig’s closed last year.
“I don’t think they’ll have any problem renting in Floral Park,” he said.
The number of closed home sales in Floral Park in the first half of 2016 grew to 120 from 75 in the same period last year, according to data from the Multiple Listing Service of Long Island.
Carriage Hill Developers’ nine-home subdivision on Cisney Avenue is also under construction.
Floral Park has seen some debate in recent months over whether increased development is changing the suburban village for better or for worse.
Nadia Holubnyczyj-Ortiz, president of the Hillcrest Civic Association, said she was glad Gunther and the Architectural Review Board ensured the new apartment buildings keep the village’s character intact.
“He [Gunther] really ensures that the aesthetics of the community remain,” she said. “They’re stringent, but he’s willing to work.”
Born in Mineola hometown fl pk village 50 + – years have many memories of it very ice some things change come go it was my pleasure while doing my business there eyes ear for the fire ems polize and working togher helping each other I also helped others in nearby areas miss nassau some Suffolk county where my senorita amigo lives nice memories of events in parks lawn guy land vw auto club fire dept parades events if we had no pandemic my senorita would take me out for an afternoon to see all over what is new changed remolded or else I know changes info pk polize dept retired or new cops melinskydective on one case photos the scum I heard sixty years in the clink he was a rough cop said you donot fool around with him today’s problems is our corrupt government being 2 easy on the scum 2 many laws for the same crime legal drugs causing 2 many troubles alcohol for one I wish we never had one drop of it drunk twice donot ask how loco nuts it was then now never again one drop of it most volks values priorities are the worst disgusting sickening or un nessary not many see me with senorita Linda Lang where we live tho honestly she respects all no matter where born race regilion or else as l do it is very wrong to judge volks by first looks not knowing them as others do or walking in thier shoes get all the facts 1st born may 9 1946 I have seen how nice over the years for pk village was come go changes better or worse how my dad Ralph gode was ex trustee fire rescue ems the best no one is better but now without volunteers if we’re paid taxes donot ask for what I did business cared for fl pk to help out never wanting awards ceremonies just as my dad was even in his travels profession jobs volunteer or paid we need more like this worst is some will only do it for $$$$$$$$$ me myself + I life should be more than earning$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ or doing it because everyone else does society aprovesdoes not always make it right even when some are a he diedbit different I have had 2 many get involved asking none of thier dam business who cares crap I could care less about others but myself he died johnmelinsky it was polize photos job we can not live without $$$$$$$$ but does it always have to be if many things were different what a nicer society or world it could be thank you over one year since I have seen anywhere near outside Whitestone bayside fl pk and areas cause pandemic home rule where I live use to get out somewhat a few hours afternoons once in a while with visitors amigos senorita who remembers my brother David now as useless to meas is my dad Ralph gode since February 2004 but still alive same to sister Karen Luke widow Ohio Maureen why my own family only two now in room 228 is is better here or jail I had once from a rookie cop just out of academy it was his abusing his arthritis not knowing all the facts fl pk cops New Years sooner my amigos Linda Lang vw club fl pk fire dept volunteers and elsewhere near there where amazed I was never trouble doing it unless l get outside more healthcare examinations va veterans usarmy only does me so much good then what for those who no me or I d love to get back to my fl pk roots and areas nearby rehabilitation health comes first my worst is left side for driving I never once forgot how thank you have a nice day if possible with our corrupt president government state federal or more all of it is but well some adios all
Born in Mineola hometown fl pk village 50 + – years have many memories of it very ice some things change come go it was my pleasure while doing my business there eyes ear for the fire ems polize and working togher helping each other I also helped others in nearby areas miss nassau some Suffolk county where my senorita amigo lives nice memories of events in parks lawn guy land vw auto club fire dept parades events if we had no pandemic my senorita would take me out for an afternoon to see all over what is new changed remolded or else I know changes info pk polize dept retired or new cops melinskydective on one case photos the scum I heard sixty years in the clink he was a rough cop said you donot fool around with him today’s problems is our corrupt government being 2 easy on the scum 2 many laws for the same crime legal drugs causing 2 many troubles alcohol for one I wish we never had one drop of it drunk twice donot ask how loco nuts it was then now never again one drop of it most volks values priorities are the worst disgusting sickening or un nessary not many see me with senorita Linda Lang where we live tho honestly she respects all no matter where born race regilion or else as l do it is very wrong to judge volks by first looks not knowing them as others do or walking in thier shoes get all the facts 1st born may 9 1946 I have seen how nice over the years for pk village was come go changes better or worse how my dad Ralph gode was ex trustee fire rescue ems the best no one is better but now without volunteers if we’re paid taxes donot ask for what I did business cared for fl pk to help out never wanting awards ceremonies just as my dad was even in his travels profession jobs volunteer or paid we need more like this worst is some will only do it for $$$$$$$$$ me myself + I life should be more than earning$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ or doing it because everyone else does society aprovesdoes not always make it right even when some are a he diedbit different I have had 2 many get involved asking none of thier dam business who cares crap I could care less about others but myself he died johnmelinsky it was polize photos job we can not live without $$$$$$$$ but does it always have to be if many things were different what a nicer society or world it could be thank you over one year since I have seen anywhere near outside Whitestone bayside fl pk and areas cause pandemic home rule where I live use to get out somewhat a few hours afternoons once in a while with visitors amigos senorita who remembers my brother David now as useless to meas is my dad Ralph gode since February 2004 but still alive same to sister Karen Luke widow Ohio Maureen why my own family only two now in room 228 is is better here or jail I had once from a rookie cop just out of academy it was his abusing his arthritis not knowing all the facts fl pk cops New Years sooner my amigos Linda Lang vw club fl pk fire dept volunteers and elsewhere near there where amazed I was never trouble doing it unless l get outside more healthcare examinations va veterans usarmy only does me so much good then what for those who no me or I d love to get back to my fl pk roots and areas nearby rehabilitation health comes first my worst is left side for driving I never once forgot how thank you have a nice day if possible with our corrupt president government state federal or more all of it is but well some adios all my spelling is some what wrong at times
My address is the grand nursing home 157 15 19avenue Whitestone queens New York City 11357 Brian gode room 228 718 559 0718