Adam Haber, the best partner for New York State Senate

Adam Haber, the best partner for New York State Senate

When I read Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Lean In, these words jumped off the page: “I truly believe the single most important career decision a woman makes is whether she will have a partner and who that partner is.”  I believe Sheryl Sandberg is right.
My wedding 25 years ago is a blur, but one moment is vivid.  I’m walking down the aisle, my parents escorting me on either side.  Nervous and excited, they are rushing me.  “Slow down,” I whisper.  I am calm, confident in my decision to make Adam my partner.
I’ve never questioned that decision, not even in the face of challenges.  The first challenge came when our daughter was born by emergency c-section, and I suffered an allergic reaction to my medication.  Barely able to walk, unable to nurse or sleep, I was a mass.  Adam stayed home for three weeks to help me recover.
Growing up I was a baby-sitter, a camp counselor, and at that point a teacher.  I expected to be a natural parent, taking the lead, and showing Adam what to do, but my post-partum experience changed that.  Adam did all the feedings and diaper changes, even the ones in the middle of the night.  I’ll never forget Adam standing by my side at our daughter’s changing table, teaching me how to change her diaper, assuring me I could do it, even as my hands were shaking.
Practically overnight, I’d gone from confident teacher to anxious new mother.  I was in the middle of an identity crisis.  Adam recognized I needed support, and he signed me up for Mommy and Me classes at Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center.  Sitting on the floor in a circle, nursing my daughter with other moms and babies around me, I found my way back.
The groups I attended were run by social workers, and I remember thinking, “I’d like to do this, and help others get back on their feet.”  I told Adam, “I think i’d like to be a social worker.”  He encouraged me to go for it, but I didn’t know if I could walk away from teaching, and return to grad school with a baby at home.  Social work was going to have to wait.
Five years later 9/11 happened.  Adam, then a commodities, trader, was in the middle of ground zero.  By the time he made it home, he was changed forever.  This time it was my turn to help Adam bounce back.  Months later, Adam was grateful to have survived and determined to give back.
Our good friend, Eric Gebaide, was involved with All Hands Volunteers, a nonprofit organization specializing in disaster response.  Working as 2nd responders, these volunteers come in after the immediate crisis has passed, to help clean up and rebuild.  Adam accompanied Eric to help out in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina.  We were so impressed with this organization we traveled with the Gebaides as families to assist flood ravaged Iowa.  Later, Adam traveled with All Hands to Haiti, after the big earthquake, to help build water filtration systems.  Adam became so passionate about helping this organization he was invited to join their Board of Directors.  Then, when Superstorm Sandy hit, Adam helped bring All Hands Volunteers to Long Island, repairing 200 + homes.
Regarding politics, we live in Roslyn, home to one of the largest school thefts in national history.  Because of my teaching background, I knew Adam was exactly who we needed on our school board to get our district back on track.  I’m proud to say that since Adam joined the Board of Education, Roslyn has enjoyed the lowest tax levy increases in all of Nassau County, each of the eight years he’s been on the Board.
About a year into his Board service, Adam decided to pursue a Masters in Political Science.  I couldn’t believe how easy it was for him to go back to school, while I questioned my ability to juggle school and family.  Tho days later I announced, “I’m going back to school too, and you’re going to have to help me!”  He looked me straight in the eye and said, “Good, I knew you would.  I already sent away for your transcripts.”
I’m a psychotherapist now, with clients ranging in age from 9 to 60.  When I work with women in their 20s, struggling with today’s modern dating challenges (swipe left/swipe right), I regularly discuss Sheryl Sandberg’s words, and the importance of selecting a quality of life partner.  I want them to know they deserve it.
People often ask how I feel about Adam running for office.  Quite simply, I care deeply about leaving this world better than I found it.  And I know the best way to do that is to elect Adam to the NYS Senate.  Adam is honest to the core, and one of the most financially savvy people I know.  It is my honor to share him with the rest of New York State, so that he can use his ethics and expertise on behalf on all of us.  New Yorkers could not have a better partner than Adam Haber.
Renee Haber

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