By Sima Levy
Your selection of spices not only improves the taste of your food but can also improve your quality of life and health.
Learn what the added value of the 22 common spices you have in the kitchen is — an effective spice to relieve nausea, treat bad breath, digestion, lower cholesterol, stop hiccups, treat dandruff, reject mosquitoes.
To treat congestion resulting from allergies, colds or flu, as well as relief from indigestion and gas. Prepare tea by soaking 1 teaspoon anise seeds in 1 cup of boiling water. Strain before drinking. In addition, chewing anise seeds is effective for treating bad breath.
For relief of a cough, prepare a brew of dried basil leaves: 1 teaspoon on 1 cup of boiling water. Garnish the leaves and then add honey.
To relieve nausea, prepare a brew of 1/2 teaspoon ginger with 1 cup of boiling water. Strain before drinking.
Chewing fresh ginger can be more effective. To relieve headaches, make a paste of ground ginger mixed with water and place on the painful area.
To relieve cough and heartburn, mix 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger with 1 teaspoon of honey.
Bay leaves
To treat dandruff, drink a handful of bay leaves in 1 liter of water – bring to a boil and then remove from heating.
Cover the water for 20 minutes until the liquid cools. Pour on hair and leave for 45 minutes to 60 minutes. Wash your hair well.
Helping digestion. Prepare infusion of 1 tsp. halo with 1 cup of boiling water. Sing and drink with the meal.
Boil 1 teaspoon coriander seeds with 1 cup of boiling water, it helps to cope with high cholesterol.
Mustard powder
Mustard powder To relieve congestion, mix 1 tablespoon mustard powder with 1 liter of warm water and then dip the feet. Please note that mustard plasters have traditionally been used to treat coughs, colds and flu.
Soothe coughing and sore throat with thyme. Mix 1 tablespoon dried thyme with 1 cup boiling water. Sift and drink. To facilitate gas, mix 1 teaspoon of thyme with 1 cup boiling water and strain before drinking.
For heat relief, mix 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder with 1 cup warmed milk and add a teaspoon of honey.
To stop bleeding
To calm
Boil 1 cup water with 1 teaspoon cumin and cook for a few seconds. Cool and drink in a gulp
Salt – For relieving the condition of bites and disinfection
Salt is an effective remedy for pain and disinfection..
Prepare a solution of salt and water and apply to the sting area or rinse your mouth with water several times a day to disinfect your mouth and throat
For abdominal pain and convulsions, brew the infusion from 1.5 teaspoons dried mint leaves into each glass of boiling water. Strain before drinking.
Celery seeds
To facilitate fluid accumulation, prepare a diuretic infusion by crushing 1.5 teaspoons of celery seeds with 1 cup of boiling water.
Soak for 20 minutes. For women, if menstruation is late, this infusion may speed up its arrival. It also helps to treat high blood pressure and anxiety.
English pepper
To relieve muscle aches, ground English pepper into powder, and then add a little water to produce a thick texture of ointment. Apply a clean strip of cloth to the painful area.
Cayenne pepper
To clean the sinuses, sprinkle a little red pepper on the food or grated with water to relieve a sore throat.
In addition, cayenne pepper suppresses appetite and accelerates metabolism. Sprinkle the toothbrush or add to a glass of water and gargle to rinse the mouth, help prevent gum disease, accelerate the healing of gum infections and toothache. You can also prepare a solution of 1 teaspoon pepper with 1 cup of water and apply to the painful area.
Black pepper
To stop bleeding. Sprinkle a generous amount of black pepper on the cut and this will neutralize the bleeding and pain.
Munch 1 clove root to remove bad breath or to treat a toothache. Place on the tooth in the painful area until the pain disappears. You can also chew 3-4 cloves roots to relieve nausea or a sore throat.
To raise your good cholesterol, mix 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon in coffee or tea. For joint pain, try 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey. For women, to calm and menstruate hard, add a little cinnamon to coffee and tea or sprinkle on the food.
Caraway seeds
Chewing caraway seeds helps ease gas. You can also prepare an infusion by soaking one teaspoon of caraway seeds with 1 cup of boiling water. Strain before drinking.
Garlic powder
Mosquito repellent. Make a paste of garlic and water powder, apply the pulse points; Behind the knees, on the ankles, one drop or two on the cheeks, face and neck.
Be careful not to put close to your eyes.
Fennel seed
Souring of fennel seeds is effective in relieving bad breath and relieving cramps in the stomach. You can prepare the infusion by soaking one teaspoon of fennel seeds with 1 cup of boiling water. Strain before drinking.
Runcinate the seeds slightly before deciding, and it will help treat the gases.
Dill seeds
Try to swallow a teaspoon of dill seeds to stop hiccups. In addition, to regulate bad breath, chew dill seeds.
Sima Levy is founder of The Chicha Diet