Chloe Heiden, from North High School, and Andrew Sheen, from South High School, are 2019 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Achievement Awards in Writing recipients. Both received award letters and certificates for Superior Performance in Writing.
Student work (with the student’s name crossed out) is carefully reviewed by a committee of the school’s English teachers, which selects the pieces for submission to NCTE. Each student submitted two pieces—best and themed—that were evaluated by national judges. Papers were judged on content, purpose, audience, tone, word choice, organization, development, and style.
NCTE Achievement Awards are open to current juniors. This year, 416 juniors were nominated; from that group, 210 applicants received Certificates for Superior Writing.
The Achievement Awards in Writing, established in 1957, are designed to encourage high school students in their writing and to publicly recognize some of the best student writers in the country.
Submitted by Great Neck Public Schools