Seniors enrolled in the Facing History course at South High visited fifth-graders at Lakeville School and Saddle Rock School to present lessons they developed on digital citizenship, with a focus on cyberbullying.
Most of the activities planned by the South High students were designed to simulate a cyberbullying situation. They shared anecdotes, created games, showed video clips, and created emojis to make the lesson engaging for fifth graders.
The goal of these lessons was to raise awareness of issues related to digital citizenship and social media etiquette, while providing strategies for students to safely and respectfully navigate their online activity.
The interschool lessons at Lakeville were coordinated by Jean Reader and Leslie Dalis, technology staff developers; and at Saddle Rock by Amanda Moore, first-grade teacher, and Evan Chen, third-grade teacher.
South High’s Facing History students created the lessons in conjunction with teachers Brian Fadde, Nicole Kinsey, Damon Reader, and Michelle Sorise.
The Facing History course is a program for students who want to make a difference in the school, local, and global communities. This course is designed to increase tolerance and multicultural understanding through literature, history, psychology, service learning, and research. It is co-taught by a team of teachers from the English, Social Studies, Library and Internship departments.