Roslyn High School students looked on as members of the Roslyn Rescue Fire Company demonstrated how they extract an injured person from a vehicle that’s been in an accident.
The high school organizes the demonstration every year for the entire junior class as they reach the legal driving age as part of the school’s Distracted Driving Day.
Earlier that day, the students attended an assembly called Choices and Consequences presented by the Nassau County District Attorney’s office, where they learned about the very real consequences of driving under the influence, driving while texting, and other hazardous situations that put lives at risk.
The high school’s SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) club introduced the assembly by showing a powerful video clip on texting and driving and asking the students to sign a pledge as part of the Glove It campaign to remind drivers to keep their phones out of sight and out of mind while driving.
Submitted by Roslyn School District.