Roslyn High School student wins research award from American Academy of Neurology

Roslyn High School student wins research award  from American Academy of Neurology
Maxx Yung at the American Academy of Neurology Awards. (Photo courtesy of the Roslyn School District)

Roslyn High School Student Maxx Yung is one of the winners of the 2023 American Academy of Neurology Scientific Research Awards.

The award is designed to encourage high school students to explore the world of the brain and nervous system through research, identify and reward those students whose scientific skill and talent indicate a potential for scientific contributions in the field of neuroscience and recognize the efforts of science teachers who have demonstrated support for students interested in neuroscience.

Maxx was chosen for his vested interest and impressive work involving AD pathogenesis and exploring mu receptor involvement to discover a treatment option and for his deep biomedical knowledge and commitment to the time required for such a project.

“I am incredibly honored to be selected as a recipient of the 2023 Neuroscience Research Prize and grateful to the American Academy of Neurology for the opportunity to present my research at this year’s AAN Annual Meeting and meet the leading researchers in my field,” Maxx said. “I am deeply grateful to my mentor, Dr. Wei Zhu, and my research teacher, Dr. Allyson Weseley, for their guidance, support and inspiration.”

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