Port phys ed instructor named district teacher of the year

Port phys ed instructor named district teacher of the year
Megaera Regan Photo provided by ZE Creative Communications

Port Washington Union Free School District (PWUFSD) is proud to announce Megaera Regan, physical education teacher at Manorhaven Elementary School, has been named Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year for Eastern District U.S.A. by Shape America.

 “Congratulations to Ms. Regan on this prestigious honor which speaks volumes to her exceptional instructional expertise and innovation,” said Michael Hynes, superintendent of the Port Washington Union Free School District. “Ms. Regan has been instrumental in the enhancement of our elementary physical education programs and continues to inspire our students and staff to lead healthy, fit and active lifestyles in and out of the classroom. Her dedication to nurturing our students’ natural talents and encouraging them to reach their true potential is exemplary of her professional excellence.”

 In 2018, Regan was named AHPERD Teacher of the Year for Nassau Zone and New York State in 2019.

Regan is now in the running for National Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year for 2020. This will be announced at the Shape America Spring Conference in Utah.


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