Longtime Port educator honored with national award from Yale

Longtime Port educator honored with national award from Yale

Jennifer Biblowitz, a school counselor at John Philip Sousa Elementary School, has been honored by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence for her leadership in implementing a social-emotional learning program developed at Yale University Center for Emotional Intelligence.

She is one of four recipients of the 2023 Marvin Maurer Award for Excellence in Emotional Intelligence.

The Marvin Maurer Award recognizes an outstanding educator who has made a significant difference in children’s lives; embodies Marvin Maurer’s belief that students’ feelings matter; whose teaching connects the personal to the academic; is committed to being an emotionally intelligent role model; and who works with others to create a more caring and compassionate school community and world.

“I have worked with hundreds of school counselors and social workers over my twenty-five years in public education. Jen is at the very top of the list regarding those I hold in the highest regard. Everyone loves her, knows she puts children first and never gives up, making sure every child gets what they need and deserve. Jen is a unique talent who has made an incredible impact on those she has served,” said Dr. Michael Hynes, Superintendent of Schools.

“Jen is getting this award for a variety of reasons – because she’s aRULER Superstar – for her outstanding support of local and national RULER Implementation,” said Dr. Marc Bracket, founder of the RULER approach, a program that helps students recognize and manage their emotional ups and downs in order to stay focused.

It is one of several strategies used in the Port Washington School District to help students develop positive personal attributes and foster a positive learning atmosphere.  Brackett added, “she has ensured that RULER is truly embedded into the school’s immune system at Sousa Elementary School.”  Principal at Sousa Elementary School, Meg Sheehan, noted, “Jen lives and breathes the RULER philosophy every day and has ensured that our RULER tapestry here at Sousa will remain strong forever.”

For more information about the Port Washington Union Free School District, please visit the district’s website at www.portnet.org and ‘like’/‘follow’ our Facebook/Instagram page: @PortWashSchools.



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