North Middle students in concert on June 6

North Middle students in concert on June 6

North Middle School’s Sixth-Grade Choral/Instrumental Concert will take place on Wednesday, June 6, at 7:30 p.m., in the Daniel J. Tomaselli Auditorium, 77 Polo Road. The public is invited and encouraged to attend this free event.

The Orchestra will be performing “Pizz-a-Plenty,” by Bob Lowden; “Habanera,” arranged by Robert S. Frost; and “Can’t Stop the Feeling,” arranged by Larry Moore.

The Concert Band will perform “Aftershock,” by Larry Clark; “Colonel Bogey,” arranged by Andrew Balent; and “I’m a Believer,” arranged by Johnnie Vinson.

The Chorus will perform “Journey to the Past,” (from Anastasia) arranged by Audrey Snyder; “Give Us Hope,” music by Jim Papoulis; and “This is Me,” arranged by Mac Huff.

The Band and Orchestra will be under the direction of Anthony Virgilio, sixth-grade instrumental director. The Chorus will be directed by Arielle Murdocco, choral director.

For more information, contact Mr. Virgilio or Ms. Murdocco at (516) 441-4551, or at or

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