Anushka Gupta, a senior at North High School, was recently selected to serve on the national Student Advisory Committee for Active Minds, a non-profit organization that supports mental health awareness and education for students.
Anushka is a co-founder and co-president of the Active Minds chapter at North High. She has spearheaded several mental health initiatives at school, including the “chalk it out” program and presentations for middle school students.
Comprised of mostly college students, Anushka is one of two high school students serving a two-year term on the organization’s Student Advisory Committee. “This new position on the national Student Advisory Committee has allowed her to have a greater impact at the local and national level,” explains Dr. David Cheng, faculty advisor of the North High Active Minds club.
Since joining the Student Advisory Committee, Anushka has contributed to local and national efforts to reduce the stigma of mental health disorders and share positive coping strategies and recommendations to parents and students. She has written an article for the Active Minds blog titled, “Finding Support as a Student in a Virtual World,” and she’s been interviewed by a writer for HealthCentral about how parents can support adolescents. She also contributed to a World Mental Health Day video organized by the Speak Your Mind campaign, featuring student advocates, UN leaders and celebrities like Kenneth Cole, to support mental health legislation and funding.
Active Minds is a national organization that supports mental health awareness and education for young adults through awareness campaigns, events, advocacy, and outreach. The organization has a network of more than 550 chapters at high schools and college campuses across the country.
—-to reduce the stigma of mental health disorders …
To reduce the stigma of mental health disorders you would first have to decide how much you want to keep, and why.
Seems like a very shortsighted goal to me.