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Carey High School students challenge ‘The Rock’ to reclaim Guinness World Record

Not even former WWE wrestler and movie superstar Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson can hold down H. Frank Carey High School seniors Frank Porcasi and Gabriella Fiumaro. After the Carey students broke the previous world record on Nov. 27 by toppling 2,880 cereal boxes in domino fashion, the Rock broke their record by having his team knock over 3,006 of their own just the next day.

The Carey students will now attempt to topple more than 3,400 boxes to regain the top crown on Sunday Dec. 3. Set up begins at 9 a.m. with the  cereal topple starting at 12 p.m, the event coming to a close at 12:45 p.m.

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All of the cereal will be shipped to hurricane victims in Naples, Florida and Puerto Rico at the conclusion of the event. Cherry Valley Market Place in West Hempstead, who donated the cereal for the first attempt, raised their donation, providing additional boxes of cereal to help students achieve their goal.

H. Frank Carey High School is located at 230 Poppy Ave., Franklin Square. For more information, contact Denise Shields at (516)404-7493.

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