To promote positive behavior among the students, New Hyde Park Road School implements a Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS). As their mascot is the Mighty Mustangs, Road School students are trying to “stay on T.R.A.C.K.” (Try, Respect, Accountable, Cooperate and Kind).
Each week, one class from grades K-2 and grades 3-6 who displays T.R.A.C.K. behavior will earn a Mighty Mustang Award. Individually, students can earn Mighty Bucks for positive behavior. They are then able to cash in their prize bucks for experiences, toys or school supplies in the school store. Some of the experiences students can earn through their Mighty Bucks are extra recess, no homework and acting as principal for the day.
Fifth grade student Noel George was principal for the day on Dec. 2. As principal, Noel called for an outdoor recess day, visited classrooms, visited the holiday boutique to meet with PTA members, and helped supervise kindergarten and first grade lunch.
“His goal is to be a principal one day, so he was so excited for his day as principal at Road School,” Principal Kim LaRegina said.