Manorhaven Elementary School students recently brought their learning to life by stepping back in time to the colonial period of the 1600s. Dressed in traditional clothing, the fourth-grade students discussed their extensive research as professionals during the 1600s.
“Colonial Day is a great opportunity for our fourth-grade students to grasp a better understanding of the lifestyle and occupations of individuals during the 1600s,” Port Washington Union Free School District’s Superintendent Kathleen Mooney said. “The district aims to enrich students’ education by providing opportunities to fully immerse themselves in curriculum. Colonial Day and the experiential activities our students engaged in is a perfect example of this.”
Manorhaven’s fourth-grade students explored the craftsmanship of several colonial occupations by dressing the part and showcasing their artistry. Students honed their creativity and imagination to transform ordinary shoeboxes into three-dimensional scenic representations or dioramas to enhance their knowledge of the time period. In each diorama, students painted colonial scenery with sculpted figures and life-like detail to dive deeper into the 1600s with supplemental portfolios.