Harbor Hill fifth graders go to work at Commerce Plaza

Harbor Hill fifth graders go to work at Commerce Plaza
Harbor Hill Fifth Graders at Commerce Plaza. (Courtesy of Roslyn School District)

Every year, the fifth graders at Harbor Hill take on the role of professional worker for a day at Commerce Plaza in Levittown.

Students are placed in groups to work at various businesses within a mock town, and each individual student is assigned a job within that business. Jobs include physician, attorney, bank teller, newspaper editor, waiter, mail courier, and more.

Prior to the trip, the fifth graders prepare to go to work by learning about financial literacy. They learn how to write and deposit checks; how to determine total expense costs for their business; and how to advertise their business in the mock town’s local newspaper.

“The students did a terrific job, fulfilling their job responsibilities, collaborating with their business groups, applying the financial literacy skills they had learned in preparation, and bringing forth a positive and hardworking attitude,” said teacher Liba Schwartz.. “On the bus ride home, the students talked about how tired and proud they were after a hard day at work!”

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