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Happening at the Great Neck School District

North High School commemorates 9/11

Students and staff at North High School planted American flags along the school’s front walkway to observe the 20th anniversary of 9/11. The display is one of several commemorative activities organized at North High, including moments of silence, building-wide announcements, and music selections performed by the school’s chamber music ensemble. On Sept. 10, all students participated in a special school-oriented webinar presented by the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, followed by discussions in social studies classes.

District welcomes new faculty

Before the start of the school year, the Great Neck Public Schools welcomed more than 50 new faculty members during an orientation program on Aug. 24. New elementary and secondary teachers were greeted by Board of Education President Rebecca Sassouni and Trustee Donna Peirez; Superintendent Dr. Teresa Prendergast; Assistant Superintendents Dr. Joseph Hickey, Dr. Stephen Lando, Kelly Newman, and John Powell; Great Neck Teachers Association (GNTA) President James Daszenski; Association of Supervisors and Administrators (SAGES) President Stephen Goldberg; building principals and other administrators. (Photos by Irwin Mendlinger)

Free school lunch meals available for students

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The Great Neck Public Schools Food and Nutrition Department reminds families that school lunch meals are available to all GNPS students at no charge for the 2021–22 school year. This free meal program is made possible through federal and state funding dedicated to providing students with healthy, nutritious meals through June 30, 2022.

Through this nationwide program, school districts are reimbursed by the federal government for compliant lunch meals. The district will continue to offer some additional food options for a small “a la carte” fee, including snacks, Boars Head products, and certain Kosher meals (pizza, chicken nuggets, and bagels). Payments for these items can be made using MySchooolBucks, a secure online payment service that provides a quick and easy way to add money to a student’s meal account.

Families do not need to fill out paperwork to take advantage of this program. However, families with household incomes that meet federal eligibility guidelines for free and reduced-price meals are encouraged to fill out the associated application. This information is kept confidential, and applying may allow a family to qualify for other assistance programs.

School food menus, nutrition and allergen information, free and reduced-price meal applications, and access to the MySchoolBucks payment program are available on the Food and Nutrition Department website,

For additional information, please contact the Food and Nutrition Department at

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