The John F. Kennedy School hosted on March 23 its annual Multicultural Teach-In, a full-day program introducing students to different world cultures and encouraging them to take pride in their own cultural heritage.
More than two dozen parent volunteers visited classrooms during the morning to present lessons about their cultural heritage. These parents represented more than 20 different countries from all around the world.
In the afternoon, JFK students were treated to performances by the Asian Culture Club and the Multicultural Club from North High School. Several of these North High performers are graduates of JFK, and they were happy to return to their former elementary school to address students.
The Asian Culture Club and the Multicultural Club presented traditional and modern dances that represent the members’ ethnic heritage. The performers also interacted with audience members and invited them on stage to learn dance steps. During one point in the performance, the high school students asked audience members to raise their hands if they speak another language at home; many JFK students raised their hands with a true sense of pride.
“They need to see themselves as the great cultural and linguistic resources they are!” said Susanne Marcus, ENL teacher at North High.
JFK Principal Ron Gimondo and Assistant Principal Kathleen Murray shared their appreciation for the hard work of all the event organizers, parent volunteers, and student performers.
Mr. Gimondo added a special thank you to Ms. Marcus for her long-time support of this program: “Her contributions over the years have had a tremendous impact on our ENL students and the multicultural program in the Great Neck school community.”
This partnership between JFK and North High is coordinated by Amy Kubel and Christine Ahl, ENL teachers at JFK, and Susanne Marcus, ENL teacher and Multicultural Club advisor at North High.