Ninety-one South High School students were recently recognized by the Great Neck Public Schools Board of Education for contributing to the quality of life at their school.
Student honorees, in alphabetical order, are: Zaineb Ahmad, Salvatore Angelaras, Daniella Brancato, Daniel Brown, Heather Cai, Nico Castilho, Brandyn Chan, Bonnie Charles, Hayee Chen, Kevin Chen, Kelley Chiu, Victoria Chiu, Jong Wan Choo, Glory Chung, Francesca De Sadow, Alexander Dembner, Paolo DePaulis, Lauren Farkas, Vanessa Fazzini, Josselyn Fuentes, Diego Garcia Guzman, Sabrina Gata, Andrew Giogaia, Anthony Giogaia, Jacob Glueck, Clara Goldberger, Sienna Gonzalez, Lin Ya Greenberg, Samantha Grenard, Raymond Gresalfi, Andersen Gu, Kelly Herrera, Weiting Hong, Sidra Hussain, Jingchen Jian, Jessica Ye Jiang, Julia Kelly, Zahra Keshwani, Sarah Khan, Benjamin Kobliner, Andy La, Marvele Landaverde, Aaron Lee, Gabriel Lefkowitz, Christopher Lei, Jenny Li, Iris Lin, Fion Ma, Elina Malamed, Madison Mangogna, Carmen Merida, Morgan Mittler, Michael Morrone, Julia Motchkavitz, Alexander Mustakis, Wai Hei Ngan, Luqing Ni, Florence Ning, Joyce Omolayo, Christopher Park, Soyoung Park, Lauren Perlman, Kristyne Ramirez, Megha Reddy, Alexandra Rigos, Maggie Roach, Daniel Ross, Casey Sanders, Rachel Schneider, Silvana Seidita, Bahaar Sharma, Ryan Shum, Matthew Solomon, Avery Strongin, Michelle Thomas, Andrew Tsao, Angelina Wang, Jennifer Wang, Trinity Wang, Lynne Xie, Jenny Ye, Eugene Yi, Vicki You, Ashley Yu, Zichen Yu, Jose Zavala, Shayna Zeitlin, Asia Zhang, Boyang (John) Zhang, Michael Zhang, and Erick Zizic.
Honorees are photographed with Board of Education President Barbara Berkowitz, Vice President Donald Ashkenase, and Trustees Donna Peirez, Rebecca Sassouni, and Jeffrey Shi, as well as Superintendent of Schools Dr. Teresa Prendergast and Assistant Superintendent Dr. Stephen Lando, North High School Principal Dr. Christopher Gitz, and Assistant Principals Sharon Applebaum and John Duggan.