Great Neck North Middle School wins Vocabulary Bowl Championship

Great Neck North Middle School wins Vocabulary Bowl Championship

For the second consecutive year, North Middle School has been crowned Division II Champions in the national Vocabulary Bowl, sponsored by

North Middle students mastered 171,689 words this school year to become back-to-back champions in Division II middle/elementary school category, which is for schools with 500–999 students in grades 6–8.

“Much like last season, the Blazers got off to a strong start and maintained a commanding lead throughout,” reads an announcement on the website.

In addition to their Division II title, North Middle placed fourth nationally out of all middle schools that competed in the 2019–20 Vocabulary Bowl, and tenth overall out of more than 40,000 schools representing grades K–12 in the United States and Canada.

In New York State, North Middle placed first in the elementary/middle school category and second among all schools. The Vocabulary Bowl is a competition in which students master new words to score points for their school.

North Middle’s participation in the Vocabulary Bowl is organized by the school’s English/reading department.

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