GNPS/TV wins awards

GNPS/TV wins awards
Robert Zahn, GNPS/TV producer/director, holds the BASH Lifetime Achievement Award. With him are Miguel Marquez, CNN national correspondent (left), and Drew Scott, News 12 anchor (right). (Photo courtesy of Great Neck Public Schools)

Great Neck Public Schools Television (GNPS/TV), for the third year in a row, took top awards from the Alliance for Community Media (ACM) and also earned a special award at the Broadcast Awards for Senior High (BASH).

The district won two ACM 2017 Hometown Media Awards that were presented at a ceremony in Minneapolis in August. Awards were for Best Broadcast of a Performance or Concert (for the South High School production of the opera, Carmen) and for Best Film (for the 2016 film, Spaghetti Dinner, an annual South Middle School event).

BASH presented GNPS/TV with a special Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of their longstanding commitment to broadcast programs. South Middle, in particular, was honored for having the longest media program in a public school. The program began when the school opened in 1958, under the leadership of Vera Larner who taught TV and radio classes. The BASH ceremony was held in June, at Southold High School.

Robert Zahn, district educational cable TV producer/director, said, “The ACM awards not only recognize educational programs, but combine Public Access TV and government channels throughout the country, making the competition extremely challenging. Both the ACM and BASH awards are a true testament to the outstanding work that our students do every day, as well as a statement about the wonderful school district and our Board of Education that allow them to thrive.”

For information about GNPS/TV and its student-produced programming, please contact Mr. Zahn by e-mail at, or by phone at (516) 441-4676.

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