Searingtown Elementary School teacher Adam Dugger has been named the Outstanding Project Lead the Way Teacher of the Year Award recipient. A member of the building’s faculty since 2004, he has been Searingtown’s PLTW launch leader for the past four years in addition to his role as a teacher.
Nominated by Principal Diana DeGiorgio and teacher Julie Fegan, Mr. Dugger teaches the PLTW curriculum and supports classroom teachers in their use of the modules. In this capacity he coaches and mentors new teachers, models lessons, creates SmartBoard lessons that support the units and designs custom resources. He provides science enrichment units in the form of computer science and biomedical modules to students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade.
He additionally serves as a gifted and talented teacher and before that, he was a fourth-grade teacher for 11 years. He has received numerous other distinctions during his tenure, including third Place 2012 4th Annual Town of North Hempstead Recycle Video Contest winner, 2010 Long Island University Distinguished Performance Award recipient, workshop presenter and facilitator at the 2009 and 2010 Association of Suffolk County Supervisors for Educational Technology (ASSET) Technology Conference, SMART Technologies Exemplary Educator and 2008 Top Online Educator Award winner.
“Mr. Dugger is a dynamic educator who consistently goes above and beyond to assist our school in the implementation of the Project Lead the Way program and curriculum,” said Ms. DeGiorgio.
Submitted by Herricks Public Schools