Roslyn meeting driven by parking talks

Roslyn meeting driven by parking talks
The Skillman Street Parking Lot. One Roslyn trustee stressed that the infrastructure was built to allow people to walk from downtown to the parking lot. (Photo courtesy of Google Maps)

The Village of Roslyn Board of Trustees announced plans to post new signs on Old Schoolhouse Court and MacKay Way to direct non-residential parkers away during a virtual meeting on Tuesday night.

Signs were placed months ago in response to a homeowner’s issue over non-residents parking on Remsen Avenue. Those with residential passes could still park.

While the move diverted parkers, it created new parking issues in other places. Mary Katz, who lives on Old Schoolhouse Court, attended the meeting to discuss the problem.

“Those ‘no parking’ signs made perfect sense,” Katz said. “But then when the ‘no parking’ signs went halfway down ramps and I think that’s when the problem was for all those who used to park in there for so many years now didn’t have a place to go.”

Katz added that she had to leave a note on a vehicle that was blocking her mailbox. While the person is now parking on a side street near her house, she says the parking patterns have been inconsistent.

Mayor John Durkin responded by proposing two solutions.

To begin, he offered “temporary relief” by recommending the placement of two new “no parking” signs.

Durkin also explained that the community is looking to get legislation enacted.

“I talked to John Gibbons, our village attorney, about having an expert come in and do a survey of the area and make a recommendation so that maybe we can create a new law,” he said. “That would be more impactful than the sort of the patchwork that we’re doing right now.”

He mentioned that there was a meeting set for tomorrow with a traffic expert that would focus on putting this plan into action.

“As long as my mail isn’t affected and my kids are safe, I’m okay right now,” Katz said, thanking the board for taking her request seriously and offering her support for a long-term strategy.

The board also discussed non-residential parking options, including the Skillman Street Parking Lot. Sarah Oral, a trustee, emphasized that the infrastructure was designed for walking from downtown to the parking lot.

“It’s a beautiful walk,” she said. “And if you take away all the other options, they’ll get used to it.”

The Village of Roslyn’s next Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., and will be conducted via Zoom.

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