On Wednesday, June 26, the North Shore High School seniors donned their caps and gowns for the 2024 Commencement Ceremony.
Parents, families, and administrators happily gathered in the gymnasium at North Shore High School to watch the ceremony led by principal Eric Contreras.
Speakers included Superintendent Christopher Zublionis, valedictorian Sofia Martini, salutatorian Claire Tao, and North Shore Board of Education President Andrea Macari.
Congratulations to all the North Shore High School graduates and their families who attended the 2024 Commencement Ceremony.
To begin the ceremony, the Pledge of Allegiance was led by senior class co-presidents Hailey Ayres and Sofia Martini, followed by the “Star Spangled Banner” sung by Norah Davison.
Valedictorian: Sofia Martini
Salutatorian: Claire Tao
Contreras congratulated his seniors and praised them on this magnificent milestone. He said, “I, we, are beyond proud of you today…In the past four years, you have made sense of self and self-care, and you have promoted the needs of the group. You weave in and out of personal paths but in that process, you are joining teams and groups that work together in synergy and in concert…We are us and I am me, both are very much true at North Shore. The individual and the group both shine all the time…
In addition, Superintendent Christopher Zublionis was called to the podium. He stated, “I’ve had the honor of knowing many of these students since they began the North Shore Journey and likewise, it’s a high honor to be with you on this special day…We are so proud of you, the North Shore High School Class of 2024!
Zublionis spoke of three important lessons: “Practicing gratitude and giving thanks every day… being confident in who you are and staying true to your talents, strengths and passions, and three, there is beauty in the breakdown. In this lesson, you learn how to be resilient and understand that everything you experience can teach you something…” He concluded by saying, “You are a talented, caring, and creative class, and we wish you the best, including your teachers, everyone here at North Shore High School, the board, and myself. I wish you dearly. Congratulations on a job well done and best of luck to you!”
Board of Education President Andrea Macari also spoke to the graduating seniors. She said, “You are at the point in life where you are going to get a lot of advice. Your family, teachers, friends, and even people who don’t know you well will all have differing thoughts on the life decisions you are about to make. I think it’s important to listen to advice…but at the end of the day, you are the expert on you. You know yourself best. You know what you value and what you don’t. So, never substitute someone else’s judgment for your own. Especially when it comes to you and your future. On behalf of the North Shore Board of Education, I congratulate you. We are so proud of you. Now, go off and do good work!”
During the “Presentation of Class” each senior was called to the podium to receive their diplomas. Upon completion, Contreras stated that they had fulfilled all the New York State High School requirements to graduate.
To a loud round of applause by all of those in the audience, the graduates joyously tossed their hats in the air!
After the 2024 commencement ceremony, the North Shore Alma Mater was led by the concert chorale under the direction of David Catalano.
Many thanks to them as well as the talented musicians led by band conductor Brandon Bromsey.
Contreras thanked all the parents and their families in the audience and said to his seniors, “You have inspired me for the past four years. I love you; I love you, and I wish you the best ahead. I am beyond proud to be with you. Best of luck Class of 2024!” Come back and visit.”
Article by Shelly Newman