In March North Hempstead unanimously voted to adopt a Climate Action Plan, which includes a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20%.
The plan, developed in collaboration with the Town’s Climate Smart Communities Task Force, focuses on decreasing energy use, shifting to clean, renewable energy, transportation and fleet, resiliency, adaptation and natural solutions and materials and waste management.
“The Town of North Hempstead recognizes the detrimental impacts of climate change on our residents and the natural environment, including sea level rise, more intense weather and flooding, higher temperatures, and more frequent droughts,” Supervisor Jennifer DeSena said in a statement. “We are always looking for ways to implement policies to reduce the Town’s carbon footprint in its own operations, as well as to assist community members in their sustainability efforts through education, legislation, and other measures. The Climate Action Plan will go a long way towards guiding such changes in the future.”
Staff from all Town departments and the Department of Planning and Environmental Protection will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the plan. Oversight efforts include tracking and monitoring progress toward emission reduction goals, identifying proposed changes in policy, education and engagement, among other things.
At their Feb. 7 meeting, the Town Board unanimously approved a resolution to authorize the expedited review for solar installations and electric vehicle charging stations.
The commitment to electric vehicle charging stations falls in line with the town’s previous investment in going green. In the 2023 capital plan approved in January, about $330,000 is committed to buying more electric vehicles and installing charging stations, among other items.
“With this step we lay the foundation of an ongoing and collective process that demonstrates we are committed to engaging local government, residents, businesses, community stakeholders and the public on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the active role we can play in reducing the impacts of climate change,” said Council Member Veronica Lurvey.
“This is an important step towards achieving New York State Climate Smart Communities Certification,” said Council Member Mariann Dalimonte. “Completion of the measures and projects outlined in this Municipal Operations Climate Action Plan will help the Town reach our greenhouse gas reduction goals and make our communities more resilient.”
More information on the town’s Climate Action Plan can be found online.