Bosworth Attends NAACP Women’s History Month Event in Lakeview

Bosworth Attends NAACP Women’s History Month Event in Lakeview
From left, Judy Rattner of the Antiracism Project, Rena Riback of the Antiracism Project, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Scottie Coads, chairperson of the NAACP New York State Civic Engagement. Photo credit: Town of North Hempstead.

North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth attended a Women’s History Month Celebration hosted by Scottie Coads, chairperson of the NAACP New York State Civic Engagement. The event, held at the Harold Walker Memorial Park in Lakeview, featured a showing of the North Hempstead-produced documentary Defining Moments: The Civil Rights Movement in North Hempstead. Bernice Sims of Mineola, one of the film’s participants, answered questions after the film. Rena Riback and Judy Rattner of The Antiracism Project; Emma Travers of Raising Voices; and Lakeview NAACP President Doris Hicks were also present. The event opened with a soulful rendition of “A Change is Gonna Come” by singer Nasim Saddeeq. 

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