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Aviation expert honored at American Armor museum

Bill McShane of Babylon and Sheltair Aviation’s Vice President for Business Development, is joined by his wife MaryEllen and living historians portraying FDR and Winston Churchill during ceremonies at the Museum of American Armor that honored his leadership in supporting the Jones Beach Air Show through the company’s facility at Republic Airport.

In accepting his award McShane noted, “It takes a team of dedicated professionals to support an air show that demands the best from every one to ensure success. I accept this award on behalf of everyone at Sheltair who puts in 110 percent every day.”

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Before an audience of some 270 people, master of ceremonies Greg Cergol of WNBC-TV, stated, “What you see in the air is the result of a strictly choreographed show on the ground. Departures for aircraft participating in the air show are scheduled to the minute. That means pre-flight, fueling, ground movements — all of it requires professionals who know their jobs and do them really well. Fifteen years ago Bill McShane told air show organizers looking at Republic as their base of operations,`Yes. We can do that.’  Today Bill remains one of the most respected and admired executives in general aviation. While his professional accomplishments are many, he is being singled out tonight because he is one of the reasons why the air show… soars.”

The Museum of American Armor is a New York State chartered, 501 C 3, not for profit museum located at 1303 Round Swamp Road, inside Old Bethpage Village Restoration, in Old Bethpage.  It is open Wednesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


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