I agree with Donald Trump. The presidential election was stolen. Hillary should have been president in 2016. Most of the presidential polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory ranging from 70% to the New York Times’ 85%. But then how did Trump manage to win?
In the 2020 presidential election, Trump claimed it was stolen from him. What does that have to do with the 2016 presidential election result? “I just want to find 11,780 votes.” Trump could have made that claim because he knew how it was done since there was a high probability that he had successfully pulled it off in the previous 2016 presidential election. All he had to do was flip three states to become president.
Three states that Trump flipped in 2016, when compared to 2012, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, flipped right back to the Democrats and Biden in 2020. The Democrat and Republican presidential nominees’ percentage of votes and the percentage margin of victory or (loss)Â for each of those three years are shown below:
2012Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2016Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2020
Democrat    54.04        47.27        50.62
Republican    44.58         47.50        47.84
Difference   9.46         (0.23)        2.78
Democrat    51.97        47.46         50.01
Republican    46.59         48.18         48.84
Difference    5.38         (0.72)         1.17
Democrat    52.83        46.45        49.45
Republican    45.89         47.22         48.83
Difference    6.94         (0.77)         0.62
The above chart shows the relatively high percentage margin of victory for those three states in 2012 covering President Obama’s victory. Overall, President Obama won by almost 5 million votes. In 2016, although Hillary Clinton received almost 2.9 million more votes than Trump, she lost the presidency and the electoral votes due to losing the above three states. In each of those states, the percentage margin was less than 1%. The electoral count in 2016 for the two candidates was as follows:
Trump       304
Clinton       227
Difference     77
The electoral votes of those three states were as follows:
Michigan     16
Pennsylvania  20
Wisconsin     10
Total        46
Assuming Clinton could have won those states, the electoral count would have been:
Clinton      273
Trump       258
Difference     15
Since 270 electoral votes is needed to claim victory, Clinton would have won.
Analyzing the numbers shows that there is a good possibility that the numbers could have been manipulated or controlled in not only the 2016 presidential election but also in the 2020 presidential election with both favoring Donald Trump.
For example, in 2012, President Obama had almost 5 million more total votes than Mitt Romney. Obama’s margin of victory in the three states Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan was 5.38%, 6.94% and a whopping 9.46% respectively.
In 2016, although Clinton lost, her total votes exceeded Trump’s total by almost 3 million votes. Nevertheless, Trump won in those three states by margins of 0.23%, 0.72% and 0.77%, which by itself only shows that the votes were very close.
However, when we look at the results for the 2020 presidential election, we see that President Biden received more than 7 million total votes than Trump, but check out the margin differences in each of those three states comparing these 2020 numbers to those from 2012 as shown above.
In Michigan, the margin of victory dropped from 9.46% to 2.78%.
In Pennsylvania, the margin of victory dropped from 5.38% to 1.17%.
In Wisconsin, the margin of victory dropped from 6.94% to a minimal 0.62%.
These reductions took place despite the fact, to repeat, that Biden’s margin of victory of 7 million votes in 2020 was 2 million more than Obama’s margin of victory of 5 million votes.
Once again, these lower percentages in the three states in 2016 and 2020 for Clinton and Biden, respectively, by themselves mean little. But sometimes in investigations by the police or others, something that is interpreted one way at the moment, when subsequently looked at can generate a totally different conclusion.
Once again we focus in on Georgia, where Trump lost the vote in 2020 by 11,779 votes, when he said to the Georgia Secretary of State, Republican Brad Raffensberger, ” I just want to find 11,780 votes.”
This insinuates that there apparently was a way to manipulate the vote count, and if that’s the case in Georgia, the same could be true in other states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, not only for 2020 but also for 2016. To repeat, if you’ve done it already, to do it again is a lot easier since you already know how to do it. Numbers do tell stories. It’s a matter of how the numbers are looked at and by whom. Where are the accounting firms when you need them?
Putting all that aside, it’s possible that Trump can win the 2024 presidential election despite having lost one legal case and having three other legal cases unresolved. If he is victorious, the three unresolved cases would suddenly disappear. Can you imagine if we attempted to do anything similar? The judge would say, “Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go.” Is there anything that can be done to assure that his legal cases get resolved before he takes office and attempts to destroy democracy?
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This Golden Rule should also be applied in politics. In the event that Trump is victorious, to ensure that Trump’s legal cases get resolved before he takes office, Vice President Kamala Harris should do what Trump wanted his Vice President Pence to do. Do not certify the election result until those cases are resolved. And if Trump loses some of the legal cases and is sentenced to jail, then it will be one less problem or one more problem that our current democracy will have to solve.
Alvin Goldberg
Great Neck