Readers Write: Voters should base their decisions on facts

Readers Write: Voters should base their decisions on facts

Who was a better baseball player, Willie Mays or Mickey Mantle?

Aside from favoritism, Yankees’ and Giants’ fans, looking at the same facts, would come to different conclusions, but both were based upon facts. Real facts. It’s like the way things used to be with the Democrats and Republicans.

You spent too much on defense! You spent too little on defense! Both based upon facts, but with each looking at the facts differently. Getting back to Mays vs. Mantle, if you asked the same question to one not knowing a thing about baseball, such ignorance should not generate an opinion.

However, even with such ignorance, if they would provide an opinion, that would be called stupidity; giving an opinion without knowing anything. Let’s apply the same reasoning to comparing the economies during both the Trump and Biden administrations, utilizing the facts as provided by the Joint Economic Committee of Congress covering each presidential administration including former President Barack Obama.

Alvin Goldberg

Great Neck


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