I am writing to express my concerns and objections regarding the proposed $30 million police station project in Port Washington.
While I understand the need for updated facilities, the current proposed location and scale of the project raise several issues that need to be addressed.
Location Concerns:
- Traffic Congestion: The proposed location is at an intersection already rated “D” for congestion by engineers. Adding a large police station in this area will only exacerbate traffic issues, particularly during rush hours, making it difficult for residents and emergency vehicles to navigate.
- Neighborhood Impact: Placing a police station in a quiet residential area will disrupt the peace and safety of our neighborhood. Increased traffic, noise, and constant movement of police vehicles will negatively impact the quality of life for residents and may decrease property values.
- Demolition of Abandoned Houses: The plan to tear down abandoned houses to create a parking lot with 67 spots raises further concerns. This destruction of residential properties for parking is not in the best interest of our community.
- Unanswered Questions:There are several unanswered questions about the project:
– Where will the radio tower be located?
– Where will heavy equipment be stored during the winter?
– What will be the impact on local infrastructure and services?
Financial Concerns:
- Bond Issue: The $36 million bond issue for this project, which we taxpayers will pay for, was decided without our input. There is a lack of accountability regarding the purchase from the reserve fund. Where did these reserves come from, and why were taxpayers not consulted?
- Future Costs: Commissioner McCarthy’s statement that the project will be pursued again next year if not approved now, with even higher costs demonstrates a disregard for fiscal responsibility. The community should not be pressured into accepting this project without thorough consideration and transparency.
Practical Need:
- Size of the Building: For a small town like Port Washington, a building of this size is unnecessary. With a population of less than 20,000, the need for a police department of 80 personnel, including civilian and police employees, is questionable. Has a study been conducted to determine the actual need for such a large facility? Is crime truly an issue that warrants this expansion?
- Purpose of the Building: This proposed building is not a community center or information hub for Port Washington. It is intended solely as a police station. While the police department’s community activities are commendable, they do not justify the construction of such a massive building. The wonderful community engagement does not necessitate going into significant debt for a structure far larger than any other in town.
In conclusion, I urge the Town of North Hempstead to reconsider this project. The proposed location is unsuitable, the financial burden on taxpayers is unjustified, and the actual need for such a large facility has not been demonstrated. I respectfully request that the council does not approve the $36 million bond issuance and instead explores more suitable options that address the community’s concerns and needs.
Keith Fiveson
Port Washington