Six million Jews and 5 million non-Jews died in concentration camps during World War II. The concentration camps were infamous for appalling conditions, starvation and widespread disease. The Nazis had 23 main concentration camps and each camp had subcamps, nearly 900 in total.
The photo below shows the Mass Grave 3 at one such camp, Bergen Belsen. It was the final resting place for some of the more than 35,000 people who died there under indescribable, horrible conditions.
Did they ever teach that to you boys and girls in college or high school? One picture is worth 1,000 words or in this case, 35,000 people.
Perhaps the youth of America really don’t know everything. Check out the photo below and see if you are able not to throw up.
How many bodies do you think can be recognized? The phrase or slogan of “Never Again” is associated with the lessons of the Holocaust by the Israeli people. Check out the bodies again.
This is what you get with one crazy but all powerful dictator who can talk their people into doing whatever he wants them to do.  Can this happen in America? Only if truth is beaten down by lies. Your eyes and ears should not be deceived. Fascist America!
Pray now. You might not be able to do so later. God help us. He couldn’t do it the last time.
Alvin Goldberg
Great Neck