As crises crop up daily in our lives and we all wonder what will happen next, I write this letter to say that I feel most fortunate to have Anna Kaplan as our New York State senator. It is important that she is re-elected. She immediately researches the issues at hand and fights tirelessly for our community in the state Senate. Aside from meeting constituents all the time, she spends hours in Albany, including long weekends, to create and pass legislation of great importance to our community.
In the Senate she has led the charge for strong protections against senseless gun violence, and this includes her activism against ghost guns. She has also been a forceful voice for gun safety checks, school safety and the reduction of crime rates. A leader in the pro-choice movement for the protection of women’s rights, she is also a huge supporter for the final passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.
During the COVID pandemic, she quickly surveyed the critical needs of the community that included food insecurity/hunger, inability to pay rent on time, housing issues, childcare for children whose parents were sick with COVID and more. There was no way she would let them face these dilemmas alone and provided them with resources of support.
I could go on and on about Sen. Kaplan. The point is that she not only goes the extra mile for her constituents, but she refuses to be cowed by misinformation, too. To her, this position as an elected official is not about politics and power at all. She sees it only from one perspective and that is to reach out and help people and to keep the community unified.
Clearly, this is a responsibility that she addresses with honor and as an American patriot. I urge you to re-elect Anna Kaplan to the New York State Senate.
Eleanor Lange