Readers Write: Shocking treatment of Tyre Nichols

Readers Write: Shocking treatment of Tyre Nichols

I was appalled and distressed watching the video in Memphis, Tenn. where five black police officers had beaten a black motorist Tyre Nichols, who later died three days later.

This senseless beating in my opinion was an egregious and nefarious attack on a defenseless human being. But this should never have happened.

These officers were fired and will be tried for second-degree murder. Let me also point out that the majority of our police nationwide have pledged to serve and protect and do so with dedication, courage and honor to protect us in our various communities.

It is so very sad there are the few police officers who act in a barbaric way that puts a bad light on the many police officers who do their job serving and protecting the many who need protection from those who commit crimes.

As such my heartfelt prayers goes out to Tyre’s mother, Row Vaughn Wells who is grieving over the loss of her son. I also pray for peace in our nation over the release of this barbaric video.

In the protests that occur and will occur may it be peaceful as Tyre’s mother has called for.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


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