Readers Write: Re-elect Trustees Bart Sobel and Eli Kashi

Readers Write: Re-elect Trustees Bart Sobel and Eli Kashi

I am writing to urge my fellow Village of Great Neck residents to re-elect Bart Sobel and Eli Kashi as trustees on Tuesday, June 21.

Bart works tremendously hard on our behalf and the results are evident. If you enjoyed last weekend’s Great Neck Village Street Fair and Music Festival, you have Bart’s tireless efforts to thank. My kids and I look forward to the fair every year, and every year Bart comes through. As a community, we are so fortunate to have someone like Bart, who is willing to selflessly expend so much time and energy building something so special for the rest of us.

But Bart does much more. I personally see the demanding attention that Bart gives to the village on a day-to-day basis. We need people like him to keep the village running smoothly. Of course, Bart also has had a day job as a local business owner in Great Neck for the past 26 years. He and his wife raised their family, including four children, right here in our community.

Eli is fully immersed in the operations of Village Hall and the village’s employees. He is also responsible for the village’s communications with the 6th Precinct of the Nassau County Police Department, and has developed an outstanding working relationship with them.

It would be most unfortunate for the rest of us if we lost Bart’s or Eli’s positive contributions on the Board of Trustees. Be sure to come out and vote on June 21 and vote to re-elect Bart Sobel and Eli Kashi as trustees of the Village of Great Neck, on the Great Neck Greater Village Party line. They are the right people for the job.

Adam Cohen
Great Neck

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  1. Most importantly, Kashi and Sobel voted Yes for each and every apartment house in the Village, Yes for each and every variance and waiver so that developers can build bigger and bigger and disregard zoning laws. They also supported every developer’s application at Nassau IDA to receive the tax exemptions. If you want to see your taxes going up, your streets having more and more traffic, your schools getting more and more crowded, then yes, vote for them.

    • My understanding was that village taxes didn’t go up in the past 6 years, until this year where there was a minimal increase. Is that not the case?

  2. If you enjoyed last weekend’s festival, you have Janet Nina Esagoff and Destination Great Neck to thank. Since this was the inaugural Gatsby festival and the centennial celebration of the village, there’s no way you could have enjoyed it *every year.”. It’s never happened before.
    Give credit where credit is due, and stop twisting the facts and pushing a Big Lie if you care about the village, vote for Sam Yellis on June 21.

    • “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

      F. Scott Fitzgerald

      The irony couldn’t be richer.

  3. Vote for Kashi & Sobel for healthy growth in Great Neck, fair treatment of all communities, and a well run town.


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