Readers Write: Port Washington lucky to have Dalimonte as their representative

Readers Write: Port Washington lucky to have Dalimonte as their representative

Port Washington residents in North Hempstead Town are so fortunate!

Port residents are so fortunate to have such a dedicated person as Councilwoman Mariann Dalimonte running for re-election in North Hempstead’s District 6.

Councilwoman Dalimonte essentially works tirelessly full-time in a part-time position for the benefit of ALL District 6 residents. She really cares about Port town and its people and businesses.

As your councilperson she has a proven record of accomplishments. Far too many to list, here are a few.

*Created a weekly update affecting all Port Washington residents and businesses.

* Created Mobile office hours for community members to listen on what’s on their minds.

*Recapped virtually every town board meeting, especially items that pertain to residents of District 6

* Informed PW constituents of the BZA calendar – how to access

* She is pro-business investment too. Involved in the early development of Try Port First app.

*Port Washington video snippet on NHT TV and so much more.

* Her efforts resulted in increased, LED lighting, roadway, and sidewalk repair throughout the community, which are ongoing

* Partnered with pedals share and held community bike, safety events

* Partnered with Saint Francis Hospital community outreach bus

* Sponsored legislation for volunteer firefighters and EMTs to receive a town tax exemption

* Free car, catalytic converter serial number installation of that with Port Washington Police Department

That’s the tip of wonderful things that Cuncilwoman Dalimonte has done for the community of Port Washington.

Please vote to re-elect Councilwoman Mariann Dalimonte

Pete Gaffney

Westbury/Carle Place.

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