I know many people are thinking of making their New Year’s resolutions. For instance, losing weight, taking care of one’s health and thinking of continuing one’s education.
These are goals that are worthy resolutions. Now there are many troubles in the world like the war in the Middle East, crime in the streets and illnesses that trouble many of us.
Here are my suggestions and that is to get vaccinated for the flu, RSV and COVID-19Â to keep us healthy.
My other suggestion is to show kindness to our neighbors in our local community.
Think about donating to local civic groups and faith-based organizations that help those in need.
Also, donate to food banks and food pantries and donate your blood which is the gift of life. Let’s not forget our senior citizens who are in need of acts of kindness.
Added to this is if you see a crime being committed, please report and don’t forget to do so because the victim could be yourself.
Let’s all make 2024 a banner year for kindness and a year of helping your neighbors in need and making the year 2024 a year of kindness and love.
Frederick Robert Bedell Jr.