Readers Write: Mazi Pilip is best candidate to support Israel and combat antisemitism

Readers Write: Mazi Pilip is best candidate to support Israel and combat antisemitism


Safety, security and high taxes are crucial issues for voters in the upcoming Special NY 3rd Congressional District election that will be held on Feb. 13.  Illegal immigrants have made their way to NYC and Nassau County.  Millions of unvetted illegal immigrants continue to enter the U.S. through our open southern border, bringing with them gang violence and terrorism risks.

Nassau County Legislator Mazi Pilip is the best candidate to help our community in Congress with these and other issues.

Mazi has consistently fought against any tax increases and consistently voted against any tax increases.  With no exceptions.

On the other hand, professional politician Tom Suozzi instituted major tax hikes and proposed even more tax hikes when he was the Nassau County executive, and made Nassau County into the highest taxed county in America. (Suozzi Proposes 20% Increase In Taxes For Nassau – The New York Times)   Politifact says that it is true that Suozzi raised taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars when he served as county executive. ( )

In addition, Suozzi knows that his pledge to advocate in the House of Representatives to restore the SALT state and local tax deduction is a worthless stunt. The House of Representatives has already passed the bill to restore the SALT deduction, but the Senate blocked it.   So we would gain nothing by electing Suozzi, and would risk paying a lot more taxes by electing a known tax-hiker such as Suozzi.

Mazi will advocate for tax relief, including restoring the SALT deduction and other relief, and will also continue to vote against tax increases.

Regarding immigration, Suozzi’s immigration plan to build a large processing center in the United States for illegal immigrants is likely to increase illegal immigration into the United States and make the problem even worse.  Illegal immigrants should remain in Mexico and should not be encouraged to enter the United States in the first place.  It also says a lot that Suozzi called for Jewish pro-Israel official Stephen Miller to be fired, and falsely implied that Miller was an antisemitic white supremacist.  (“Suozzi wrong to call on Miller to resign.”) The real reason Suozzi seems to have attacked Stephen Miller is because Mr. Miller strongly opposes illegal immigration.

n the other hand, Mazi will work to restore a secure southern border.

Also, no one in Congress should praise or give credibility to terror-linked groups.  I’m extremely concerned about Suozzi’s public letter to CAIR saying that he “applauds” and “appreciates” the Hamas-linked organization CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations).  [The letter is online at CAIR journal, page 78, ]

The federal government named CAIR as an unindicted conspirator that funneled money to Hamas.  [  ]   In response to the unprovoked massacre of Oct. 7, CAIR’s national executive director said that Palestinians have the right to “self-defense” while Israel does not have a right to self-defense, and that he was “happy to see” the people of Gaza “breaking the siege” on Oct. 7, when Hamas attacked Israel and massacred 1,200 people including over 30 Americans and took Israeli and American hostages.  CAIR organized disruptive antisemitic pro-Hamas demonstrations throughout the country that shut down streets, airports and bridges in recent months.  Then CAIR condemned the New York City police for dispersing the disruptive pro-Hamas demonstrators.

Although people urged Tom Suozzi to retract his letter praising CAIR and to instead denounce CAIR, Suozzi still has not done so. [Times of Israel blog by Elchanan Poupko: ]

In 2020, Suozzi’s primary opponent, pro-Israel Democrat Michael Weinstock, said: “I was shocked to learn that Suozzi recently sent a beautiful letter of support to CAIR…Suozzi’s endorsement of this anti-Semitic organization tells us that his support of the Jewish community is completely transactional. When he supports us, it’s never heartfelt.” []

This is not where it all begins and ends.  Just last year, Suozzi announced publicly that he wanted to become an “Honorary member of the Squad.”  Suozzi has voted with the Squad 95% of the time.   It is no secret that the Squad members, especially Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, are venomous defamers of Israel and America.  During a speech for CAIR, Omar trivialized the terrorists who killed thousands of Americans (including some of my friends and many people in our district) on 9/11 as “some people did something.”

During another televised interview, Omar justified terrorism as a reaction to “our involvement in other people’s affairs” and laughed about and mocked how Americans say the names of terror organizations Al Qaeda and Hezbollah.  Omar and Talib and company are also known for shamelessly espousing antisemitic tropes, and have been making antisemitism “acceptable” in America.  I can never vote for Suozzi after he said that he wanted to be an “honorary member” of that Squad.

On the other hand, Mazi Pilip initiated the Nassau County Legislature Task Force on Combating Antisemitism, organized numerous events and efforts to stop antisemitism, fought against terrorism when she served in the Israeli army before immigrating to the United States, and will be a strong fighter in Congress against terrorism and the Squad’s shameful bigotry.

Suozzi also falls short in other ways.  Souzzi voted for the dangerous anti-Israel House Resolution 326.  H. Res. 326 wrongly insists that creating a Palestinian-Arab state on lands to which Israel has the historic and sovereign legal right is the “only” solution!”

In addition, Suozzi’s first ever speech in Congress in 2017 called for creating a Palestinian state, said he will “never abandon” calling for a Palestinian state, and criticized some of the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria for existing, even though Jews have lived in these areas for thousands of years.  Suozzi repeated this in more speeches in Congress. [].

Suozzi has no military background nor any training in the relevant sciences such as missile guidance, missile defense and electronic warfare.  Suozzi has not fought against terrorists as Mazi has.  None of Suozzi’s experiences in Nassau County and Washington, DC, qualify him as an expert or warrants him jeopardizing the lives of those who live in Israel, a totally different “neighborhood” than Nassau County.

Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis are continuing to shoot barrages of missiles every day at Israeli civilians, American troops in Iraq and the region and international shipping.  After the Oct. 7 massacre, it is obvious even more than ever that giving up Israeli control over the Judea-Samaria-the West Bank to create  a Palestinian state there and in Jerusalem and Gaza is too high a security risk.

Hamas is the most popular group among Arabs in the West Bank.  The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank celebrated murdering Israelis and Americans on Oct. 7 and also pays Arab terrorists to murder Jews and could do this even more if it becomes a state.  A Palestinian state would encircle Israel and would endanger the entire region with another state controlled by powerful terror groups that do Iran’s bidding.

Judea and Samaria-West Bank is a significantly larger territory than Gaza.  It is clear now that if Israel ever removes its presence from the West Bank, there would be an even “grander war” starting from the West Bank than the Oct. 7 massacre and the battle in Gaza.  Pushing for withdrawal of Israel’s presence from Judea and Samaria-West Bank by irresponsible individuals like Suozzi is a recipe for disaster by several orders of magnitude, for both the Israelis and the Arabs who live there and for American interests.

Suozzi needs to totally stay out of Middle East politics.  We cannot afford his simplistic slogans calling for a “two-state solution.”  We cannot afford a congressman who tries to dictate to Israel, and will “never abandon” a Palestinian state.

The situation in Israel and America has drastically changed after the Oct. 7 massacre.   We cannot afford a congressman like Suozzi who clings to dangerous “solutions” that would make matters worse, and who has failed to retract his support of the Squad and CAIR.

Tom Suozzi’s pattern of disturbing conduct towards the Jewish community, American security and high tax record are unacceptable.

It is also unacceptable that Suozzi is now allowing the Democrats to run dirty, racist and sexist attack ads that falsely call Mazi Pilip a “rubber stamp” for invented positions.  Mazi Pilip is an impressive, intelligent woman.  Mazi Pilip is an Ethiopian Jew who was rescued by Israel, grew up in Israel and served in the Israeli military, and later immigrated to the U.S. and admirably served in the Nassau County Legislature.   I would be very proud to have Mazi serve as our Congresswoman.


Catherine Goldman


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  1. We are looking for a candidate for US congress representing NY Dist-3. Thank you for making it clear for us to decide. NY Dist – 3 Voters are smart. Patriotic, morally upright people who want a ceasefire to stop the killings. Bias and hate crimes against all people must stop, be it against Blacks, Hispanic, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Asians or any other ethnic or religious groups. We want someone who will represent all of us in the United States of America not a representative of a foreign country.
    Ceasefire now, ceasefire now.

  2. More Republican lies and hypocrisy, attacking Tom Suozzi while accusing him of attacking Pilip. But I guess when your own candidate offers nothing, the best you can do is attack. Good thing the voters of NY03 are smart enough to see through this crap. Even the attacks are lies – “Just last year Suozzi announced publicly that he wanted to be an “Honorary Member” of the Squad” – no, dear, that happened in 2019. Last year, Suozzi was not in Congress. But why let facts get in the way of your nonsensical attack?
    And who is “Catherine Goldman” of Manhasset, anyway? Public records show nobody in Manhasset by that name. Is this the best Pilip’s campaign can do – submit letters to the editor under false names? Sad.
    Democrats know Tom Suozzi. Republicans know Tom Suozzi. He has worked with people of both parties and he has done so with respect. He has delivered for us before and he will do so again, and he will remember that he represents all the people of NY03.

  3. Suozzi needs to stay out of Middle East politics? Huh, Catherine (who isn’t anyone of public record in Manhasset) doesn’t know what the responsibilities of a Congressman are, so how seriously should we take this opinion. Addressing international issues, that’s part of the job and Suozzi is capable of addressing the Middle East, Europe and Asia and has experience dealing with domestic issues of taxation, immigration and veteran’s benefits while stating he is pro Roe proudly. (Mazi running from cameras when asked about Roe on Jan 10th wasn’t a good look). Suozzi’s inaugural speech in Congress was about the state of Israel and condemning a UN resolution. He has been a staunch ally of Israel – the reason why AIPAC has refused to endorse a candidate in this race. Suozzi can walk and chew gum at the same time, has openly called out Ilhan Omar in Congress for her comments and searches for bipartisanship. Your opinion based on propaganda and not facts is so very on MAGA brand.

    • Suozzi lived in Long Island a different environment than Israel surrounded by multiple enemies backed by the islamists in Islamic republic of Iran.

      It is very naive of Suozzi to opine on the creation of another explosive entity in the heart of Israel

  4. Nothing about Mazi Pilip being too afraid to debate Suozzi several times instead of the one debate a few days before the election. What is she hiding?

    • How did come up with the rule of how many debates should a candidate debate?

      Did you read it somewhere?

      If you are a Suozzi supporter, you need to think twice before asking Ms. Pilip for more debates with Suozzi. You’ll see that even in 1 debate is how she will destroy Suozzi.

      Unlike Suozzi who is out of work, Pilip’s time is valuable. She is a true public servant and she is using her time to serve the people.

      • Debating multiple times is a long established NORM of our democratic process. Like norms of government, etiquette, writing, sportsmanship, etc., they are not written down, nor do they have to be, and the suggestion otherwise reveals civic ignorance. If you don’t understand that a candidate’s FIRST PRIORITY is to put herself up to public scrutiny and answer questions in that manner (and not just once, after early voting has begun), and that doing so is a sine qua non for qualification for elective office, then I am at a loss for words.

        • Unlike Suozzi who is out of job and has plenty of free time, Mazi has a job and is busy. She is a legislator.

          You will see that how Mazi is going to destroy Suozzi in 1 debate and Suozzi will not even think of a second debate

  5. This is ridiculous – Mazi has not fought – she was a gunsmith. The author – a supposed Catherine Goldsmith – does not live in Manhasset. The style of writing is very reminiscent of a chat GPT article. Very long winded. As readers we deserve better than this GOP AI propaganda.

    Mazi is inexperienced – by not ‘budging’ on taxes – or rather providing no input to the Nassau County debate while being a legislator- she has hurt us. For example she has refused to support the police and other necessary community services critical to keeping residents safe.

    The congressional seat is not for amateurs – do your research – Suozzi is the best bi-partisan option. You will be surprised how many Republicans support Suozzi. As one recently stated – we cannot make the same mistake twice!

    • Sabine,
      Please see the Island360 article:

      “Two police unions, ex-Rep. Peter King endorse Pilip for Congress”

      Published January 9, 2024

      If Mazi was not supporting the police two police unions wouldn’t have endorsed Her

      get your facts straight

      • Oh yes they would have, and it’s naive to suggest otherwise. Endorsements happen for all sorts of reasons: money, politics, influence from superiors, ignorance, corruption, on and on. Mazi voted against increased police funding and a Hate Crimes Unit for Nassau, which Suffolk and NYC have long had. No contradiction at all with those endorsements.

      • No, there are MANY reasons why organizations give endorsements, and they’re not always supported by facts. E.g. money, politics, orders from superiors, corruption, ignorance, on and on. Mazi voted against increased police funding and a Hate Crimes Unit for Nassau, which Suffolk and NYC have long had. No contradiction with those endorsements at all.

    • Mazi served as a paratrooper, not a “gunsmith.”

      She has jumped form the airplane more times than you made any statements condemning the Masacre of October 7th.

      I am not sure if you understand that she served the Jewish nation. The least you can do is making some statements of support instead disparaging statements

  6. This “letter to the editor” sounds like it was botched together with sound bites and talking points written by Pilips campaign. Too bad she won’t agree to a public debate so the voters could hear from her mouth where she stands. Congress is one of the most important positions in our government. We in CD-3 need a representative with experience and the knowledge to actually get things done. That person is Tom Suozzi. He doesn’t play partisan politics. If you’ve seen him speak publicly on the issues, you know he’s not even close to a squad member. But he’s also not a MAGA. He supports gun safety, public safety, the environment, has actual proposals to stop the migrant crisis, he cares about fiscal responsibility and he always has unwavering support for Israel. He travelled to Israel after the Oct 7 attacks to support hostage families. Most importantly, he will protect a women’s right to choose 100% of the time —- for ALL women. A vote for Suozzi is a vote for all of us. Let’s fix this on Feb 13.

    • When Suazzi was I office, he never traveled to Israel.

      Is real shame that only now, when he has an opponent who is going to get the support of the pro Israel voters Suozzi made photo op trip to Israel to take photos with the families of the hostages,

      • No, this was his THIRD trip to Israel. The first was back in 2002 when he was County Executive and “in office”. Time for YOU to get your facts straight.

  7. It is impossible to sort through all the convoluted falsehoods, misleading statements, twisted narratives, irrelevancies, and rhetorical tricks of this article. Just one for the moment, the paragraph beginning with:

    “Suozzi has no military background nor any training in the relevant sciences such as missile guidance, missile defense and electronic warfare…..”

    Excuse me? What relevance does this have to the job of U.S. Representative for the 3rd Congressional District of NY? We’re not electing a member of the Knesset. We also have a Defense Dept. that handles our defense. Not to mention that Suozzi’s colleagues thought him versed enough in defense to put him on the Armed Services Committee. Are you really suggesting that ALL members of ALL legislative bodies around the world have, or need to have, military training?? What an absurdity. Military service as honorable as it may be, is no more a qualification for elective office than motherhood is.

    • Dear Robert

      It seems that you’re missing major facts

      When it comes to Suozzi’s knowledge of midern day wars, I.e., missile wars, he is nothing short of a FOOL. He is basing his statements on late Shimon Peres’s plans which are no longer applicable

      Islamic Republic of Iran has been giving guided cruise (guided) missiles to Hizbollah and the Huthis

      Islamic Republic of Iran has been giving Ballistic missiles to Russia which can reach America

      If Suozzi pushes his stupid ideas of making the West Bank another explosive entity in the heat of Israel

      Serving on a committee doesn’t require and education on the sciences but it made Suozzi even more arrogant

      With friends like Suozzi, neither America nor Israel need enemies


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