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Readers Write: Lodge installs Prudente as president, 22 others on Zoom

Pictured left is newly installed John Michael Marino Lodge No.1389 President Peter Prudente receiving the president's pin from Immediate Past President Marc Biundo.

On Wednesday evening, March 17, the Order Sons & Daughters of Italy in America John Michael Marino Lodge No.1389 in Port Washington hosted the Installation Ceremony of its 2021-2022 Lodge Council. It was the first time in the 95-year history of the Lodge that the Installation Ceremony was held utilizing “zoom” technology vs. an in-person ceremony.

Peter Prudente was installed as the 47th president of the Lodge along with his council of 22 Lodge members.

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Most notably, Peter became an altruistic donor (one of 150 such donors in New York state in 2019) by donating his kidney to a Long Island woman in desperate need of a kidney transplant. The recipient of the kidney was someone totally unknown to Peter. In recognition of this and his longstanding community service, Peter received the U.S. Congressional Award from Congressman Thomas Suozzi and was commissioned a Commonwealth of Kentucky Colonel by Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear.

The Grand Lodge Order of the Elks awarded Peter the 2019-2020 Distinguished Citizens Award. In February 2019, the Grand Lodge of New York Order Sons & Daughters of Italy in America made Peter the first recipient of its Positive Image Award – an award created by Grand Lodge President Anthony Naccarato – at the New York State Commission for Social Justice’s 40th Anniversary Dinner Dance.

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