I am a registered Republican and am also an oldster, who greatly loves the America that I was born into and lived my long life in.
That doesn’t mean that I favor the racism, or any other kind of ethnic prejudice that prevailed in this country, years ago. The America that I love so much allows people to succeed in life, based on the efforts that people make for themselves, to succeed.
For a number of reasons, Republicans and Conservatives won monumental victories in the Nov. 2 elections just held, but my local newspaper, the left-leaning Port Washington Times, insists on distorting those victories. The front-page headline in the Nov. 19 issue of the paper reads, “Blakeman, DeSena victorious after tally”, but it should read, at the least, “Blakeman, DeSena still victorious after tally.”
The title of the continuing article on Page 43 of the issue should also read, at the least, “Blakeman, DeSena still victorious after absentees.” And the outrageous caption that appears under the picture of Bruce Blakeman on Page 43,
“Despite Laura Curran receiving a majority of absentee votes, Bruce Blakeman won the race for county executive, according to final ballot counts,” should simply read, “Final ballot counts confirm that Bruce Blakeman won the race for county executive”.
“Despite Laura Curran receiving a majority of absentee votes”?
What the hell does that mean? There was only one election held this month and it was held earlier this month on the second. The count of absentee ballots does not constitute a separate election from the Nov. 2 election. There are no winners or losers of absentee ballots.
The Port Washington Times, Newsday and The New York Times, are all still searching for the reasons to account for the monumental Republican/Conservative election victories of Nov. 2.
So far, they primarily blame the Democratic/Liberal monumental losses on the lethargy of registered Democratic voters to go to the polls and vote.
Perhaps, one day, they will be honest enough to admit that rejection of the left-leaning, radical path offered by the Biden/Harris government in Washington, was the primary cause. Let’s see if the midterm elections next year, don’t confirm what I’ve just said.
Joel Katz
Port Washington